yyfyan / kitti_scripts

Github hosting of the KITTI dataset semantic segmentation development kit. I did not create this, nor do I take any credit. Please refer to the website.

Home Page:http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_semantics.php

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Robust Vision Challenge 2018 - Instance and Semantic Segmentation Devkit

Dataset Download

We provide a devkit to download, extract, and convert the challenge datasets into a unified format. However, some segmentation benchmarks require users to register and to confirm the license terms before granting access to their data. Therefore, you need to manually download the following datasets:

Please register on Cityscapes and download the following archives: "leftImg8bit_trainvaltest.zip" and "gtFine_trainvaltest.zip". Similarly, signup on WildDash and download the archive "wd_val_01.zip".

Please prepare the following file structure before running the devkit (Kitti2015 and ScanNet will be downloaded automatically).

- devkit/instance/archives/
   - Cityscapes_archives/leftImg8bit_trainvaltest.zip
   - Cityscapes_archives/gtFine_trainvaltest.zip
   - WildDash_archives/wd_val_01.zip

The simplest way to use the devkit is to run the main script without any program arguments:

python instance_devkit.py

On Windows, one may double-click instance_devkit.py if Python is installed. The script may ask about a few settings and then download the datasets into a folder in the current working directory. The folder layout is as follows:


If the optional program argument --keep_archives is given, the downloaded archive files will not be deleted after the datasets are extracted and converted.

Dataset Format


The Kitti 2015 segmentation format(TODO) is used as common format for all datasets. The image names are prefixed by the dataset's benchmark name. Exactly the same image names are used for the input images and the ground truth files.



The output structure should be analogous to the input. If your algorithm is called MYALGO, the result files for your instance or semantic segmentation method must be named and placed as follows:


You may provide results for instance segmentation, semantic segmentation or both. The datasets_kitti2015/test/ directory for your algorithm output is the same directory which contains the ìmage_2 input images of the test scenes.

The txt files of the instance segmentation should look as follows:

relPathPrediction1 labelIDPrediction1 confidencePrediction1
relPathPrediction2 labelIDPrediction2 confidencePrediction2
relPathPrediction3 labelIDPrediction3 confidencePrediction3

For example, the Kitti2015_000000_10.txt may contain:

../pred_img/Kitti2015_000000_10_000.png 026 0.976347
../pred_img/Kitti2015_000000_10_001.png 026 0.973782
../pred_img/Kitti2015_000000_10_002.png 026 0.973202

with binary instance masks in datasets_kitti2015/test/algo_MYALGO_instance/pred_img/:



Currently, it is required to manually call your method and create an output file structure as described above.

Result Submission

After an instance segmentation method has been run on all datasets, the results can be automatically packaged for submission to each individual benchmark. To do so, simply run the respective devkit script again in the same directory:

python instance_devkit.py


python semantic_devkit.py

It will then offer to create the submission archives. Notice that this requires that results with the same method name are available for all datasets of all relevant benchmarks (either for training or for both training and testing). If the option to create a submission is missing, make sure that all required files exist.

The resulting archives must be submitted to the respective benchmarks:

Furthermore, the submission must be completed by filling a short form on the Robust Vision Challenge website: TODO

Command Line Interface

As an alternative to the interactive interface, a command line interface is available:

# Download the datasets:
# Either devkit will download and unpack both, instance and semantic segmentation
python instance_devkit.py obtain
# or: python semantic_devkit.py obtain

# Create archives for result submission:
# - method_name is the method to generate the submission archives for
python instance_devkit.py submit <method_name>


Github hosting of the KITTI dataset semantic segmentation development kit. I did not create this, nor do I take any credit. Please refer to the website.



Language:Python 59.7%Language:C++ 38.7%Language:CMake 0.7%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:C 0.4%