yxuco / helloexpo

React Native examples

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Hello Expo

This is a set of examples for developing native iOS and Addroid apps by using React Native and the NativeBase component library. The examples are developed and tested by using the Expo app framework.

It implements the examples in the book Beginning React Native with Hooks by Greg Lim. Read the book to understand more details of the examples. The examples demostrate the use of NativeBase components, as well as common features of native apps including the following:

  • React Hooks for managing app state, and interaction with REST services and external persistence stores.
  • React Navigation for tab or stack based screen navigations.
  • axios for invoking REST web services.
  • json-server for testing data persistence.
  • Expo Icons that can be selected to display buttons.
  • CSS properties that can be configured for visualization.

Development Setup

Install NodeJS by using NVM.

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
nvm install --lts

On Mac, install Xcode from apple store, and then install Xcode CLI tools.

xcode-select --install
xcode-select -p

Install global JS utilities used by the examples.

npm install -g expo-cli
npm install -g json-server

Start New App Project

If you want to create your own project in a WORK folder, and code from scratch, you can get started with the following steps.

cd ${WORK}
expo init helloexpo --template @native-base/expo-template

Start the app in iOS simulator

cd ${WORK}/helloexpo
expo start --ios

To publish and run the app on your device, i.e., iPhone, you can follow the following steps.

  • Sign up at Expo, and create a project.
  • Edit app.json in the local project so the slug matches the project name on the Expo dev server, and owner matches your Expo user name.
  • Publish app to the Expo dev server: cd $WORK/helloexpo && expo publish
  • On the iPhone, find and install Expo Go from apple store.
  • Start Expo Go, login, and start the previously published app.

Libraries Used by the Examples

Following are libraries installed during the development of the examples in this project.

# to call REST web service
npm install axios
# to generate UUID
npm install uuid-random
# swipe list view
npm install --save react-native-swipe-list-view
# react screen navigation
npm install @react-navigation/native
npm install @react-navigation/stack
npm install react-native-gesture-handler
npx expo install @react-native-masked-view/masked-view
npm install @react-navigation/bottom-tabs

Note that the Expo Snack can be used to test code snippets.

Demonstrate Data Persistence

To test the ToDoList example with external data persistence, we use json-server as a test database.

Start json-server:

cd ${WORK}/helloexpo
json-server todos.json

Uncomment the line const storeUrl = "http://localhost:3000/todos/" in storeAPI.js, and then start the app in iOS simulator.

Any changes to the ToDoList will be stored in the file todos.json. Note that dragging a ToDo list item to the left in the iOS similator would similate the swipe-left gesture, which allows you to edit or delete the item.


React Native examples


Language:JavaScript 100.0%