yxuco / enftapp

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Sample frontend of dApp for NFT contract

Create a React app for sample NFT contract, which uses MetaMask and ethers.js to connect to the Ethereum network.

Similar approach also applies to development of frontend dApp using Vue.

Create project

Install yarn which is similar to npm, but it is required to generate frontend project by using create-eth-app.

npm install -g yarn

Create React UI for dApp:

mkdir frontend
cd frontend
yarn create eth-app enftapp

The generated README.md describes commands to build and start the frontend project enftapp, e.g., to start the app, enter

cd entfapp
yarn react-app:start

Add application logic to interact with NFT contract

We use ethers.js to interact with ethereum via MetaMask. So, install the dependency:

cd packages/react-app
yarn add ethers

Install MetaMask for Chrome, and create an account for testing.

Add ABI defintion of the sample contract, i.e., enft.json, which is extracted from the contract build result in artifacts/contracts/ENFT.sol/ENFT.json if the contract is built using hardhat.

Add the reference and deployed address of the contract to abis.js and addresses.js.

Edit App.js to add required application logic. Add stylesheet App.css if necessary.

Edit view styles of other visual components in index.js.

Use the React App to mint and query NFT

This app uses MetaMask to connect to the Rinkeby testnet. So, you must login to an account in the MetaMask chrome plugin, and connect to the Rinkeby testnet from a Chrome browser.

When you start the UI app by yarn react-app:start, the UI page should be loaded in Chrome browser at URL http://localhost:3000/.

Connect to your wallet by clicking the button Connect Wallet at the top-right corner, and choose MetaMask.

Click the Refresh Count button, it should display the number of sample NFT tokens that have already been created, and the balance of ETH in your account.

Click the Mint Token button will create a new sample NFT token with metadata specified by the Token URI and transfer the token to the specified Recipient. The Token URI is the IPFS address of a previously uploaded metadata file. The token count should increase by 1 if the new token is created successfully. If you minted a token for your own account, you can see the asset in MetaMask. To make the asset show in the MetaMask plugin popup, you can click the Add Token button in MetaMask, and specify the address of the sample NFT contract deployed on the Rinkeby testnet.

Enter a number less than or equal to the token count in the input field Token URI, then click the Get Metadata button, it will fetch the name of the metadata file of the specified NFT token, and display the result below the button.

Use Vue.js instead of React

Alternatively, to develop a frontend app using Vue.js, you can create the project using command:

yarn create eth-app enftapp --framework vue

Use indexed query in dApp

The generated README.md includes instructions to setup subgraph by using thegraph.com, and so you can use index for query. The generated project contains required templates, although the subgraph feature is not used by this sample.

Note: setup Visual Studio Code

On a Mac, you can add code path to $PATH as follows, so you can type code in commandline to launch vscode. In VS Code, open the Command Palette(Command+Shift+P), type shell command to find and execute Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH.

Use Prettier+ plugin to format react source code. The default js formatter does not work well for react-app. I installed the Prettier+ plugin, and open the Settings(Command+,), and click the link Edit in settings.json, change the javascript to use the following settings.

    "[javascript]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "svipas.prettier-plus"



Language:HTML 40.8%Language:JavaScript 23.8%Language:TypeScript 22.7%Language:CSS 12.7%