yvlawy / Etagair-Configurator-API

General purpose Configurator API/Library for products, services and more...

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What is Etagair?

The Etagair Application

Etagair is a general purpose Configurator API for modeling and managing products, services, or everything else.

It's developed in C# language based on .NET Standard 2.0 and it is provided as a set of several libraries. It's a back-office API, there is no UI. Data are saved in a embedded database.

For more details, see the wiki

Key features

-Embedded .NET family assembly, platform independent with reference to one library: LiteDB, A lightweight embedded .NET NoSQL document store in a single datafile.

-Management of complex objects : entities with properties (list of key-value).

-Entities are organized hierarchically in folders.

-Creation of complex entities based on template.

-Localized media, only text for now (by using text code).

-Rich search of entities by properties criteria.

Getting started

Using clauses

Create a C# application. Import the Nuget package (see the link below). In the program, include these using:

  using Etagair.Core.System;
  using Etagair.Engine;

Create the engine and the database

These lines of code create the engine object. The init method create the database or use the existing one.

  EtagairEngine engine = new EtagairEngine();

  // the path must exists, it's the location where to put the database file
  string dbPath = @".\Data\";

  // create the database or reuse the existing one
  if (!engine.Init(dbPath))
    Console.WriteLine("Db initialization Failed.");

  // the database is created or reused and opened, it is ready to the execution
  Console.WriteLine("Db initialized with success.");

Create a folder within an entity

For example, create a folder named "computers", under it, add an entity having two properties. An entity haven't a name. Property of an entity is key-value pair.

The data:

  "Name"= "Toshiba Satellite Core I7"
  "Trademark"= "Toshiba"

The Code:

// create a folder, under the root
Folder foldComputers = engine.Editor.CreateFolder(null, "computers");

// create an entity, under the computers folder
Entity toshibaCoreI7 = engine.Editor.CreateEntity(foldComputers);

// add 2 properties to the entity (key - value)
engine.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Name", "Toshiba Satellite Core I7");
engine.Editor.CreateProperty(toshibaCoreI7, "Trademark", "Toshiba");

Package on Nuget

The application is ready to use and is available on Nuget. The last version is 0.0.5-alpha.

The web site: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Etagair/

The last release: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Etagair/0.0.5-alpha


General purpose Configurator API/Library for products, services and more...


Language:C# 100.0%