yuxianzhi / ansible-prometheus

Ansible role for installing Prometheus monitoring server and node_exporter binary

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Installs the Prometheus monitoring server, the node_exporter binary and the PromDash dashboard. Runs them as Upstart services.

Role Variables

prometheus_version: 0.16.1
node_exporter_version: 0.12.0rc1
prometheus_root_dir: /opt/prometheus
prometheus_config_dir: /etc/prometheus
prometheus_server_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/prometheus-server"
prometheus_bin_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/bin"
prometheus_dist_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/dist"
prometheus_db_dir: "{{ prometheus_root_dir }}/databases"
prometheus_host_domain_name: example.com

Example Playbook Role Usage

Simple setup

Install and run Prometheus and node_exporter using Upstart.

    - { role: ansible-prometheus }


Apache v2.0

Author Information

Grig Gheorghiu http://agiletesting.blogspot.com


Ansible role for installing Prometheus monitoring server and node_exporter binary