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All about JUnit and Mockito

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JUnit and Mockito


JUnit is a unit testing open-source framework for the Java programming language. Java Developers use this framework to write and execute automated tests. In Java, there are test cases that have to be re-executed every time a new code is added. This is done to make sure that nothing in the code is broken.

Basic JUnit annotation and methods:

  • @Test - To represent a method/function as test case.
  • assertEquals - Compare two object if they are equal.
  • assertTrue - Asserts that a condition is true.
  • assertFalse - Asserts that a condition is false.
  • @Before - When writing tests, it is common to find that several tests need similarobjects created before they can run. Annotating a public void method with @Before causes that method to be run before the Test method.
  • @After - If you allocate external resources in a Before method you need to release them after the test runs. Annotating a public void method with @After causes that method to be run after the Test method.
  • @BeforeClass - Sometimes several tests need to share computationally expensive setup(like logging into a database). While this can compromise the independence oftests, sometimes it is a necessary optimization. Annotating a public static void no-arg method with @BeforeClass causes it to be run once before any ofthe test methods in the class.
  • @AfterClass - If you allocate expensive external resources in a BeforeClass method you need to release them after all the tests in the class have run. Annotating a public static void methodwith @AfterClass causes that method to be run after all the tests in the class have been run. All @AfterClassmethods are guaranteed to run even if a BeforeClass method throws anexception.
  • @assertArrayEquals - Asserts that two arrays are equal.
  • @Test(expected=<? extends Throwable>) - Optionally specify expected, a Throwable, to cause a test method to succeed if and only if an exception of the specified class is thrown by the method.
  • @Test(timeout = <long>) - Optionally specify timeout in milliseconds to cause a test method to fail if it takes longer than that number of milliseconds.

Parameterized Tests Steps:

  • Annotate the class with @RunWith(Parameterized.class).
public class StringHelperParameterizedTest {}
  • Add a static method having all the conditions and annotate with @Parameters:
public static Collection<String[]> testConditions() {
	String expectedOutputs[][] = { { "AACD", "CD" }, { "ACD", "CD" }, { "CDEF", "CDEF" }, { "CDAA", "CDAA" } };
	return Arrays.asList(expectedOutputs);
  • Create the instance variable and constructor to set the instance variables.
private String input;
private String expectedOutput;

public StringHelperParameterizedTest(String input, String expectedOutput) {
	this.input = input;
	this.expectedOutput = expectedOutput;
  • Now use the instance variables in the Tests.
public void testTruncateAInFirst2Positions() {
	assertEquals(expectedOutput, helper.truncateAInFirst2Positions(input));

Organize JUnits into Suites:

  • Create a new class and Annotate with @RunWith(Suite.class) and @SuiteClasses({ test1.class, test2.class, test3.class}) - add all the Tests classes in the SuiteClasses array.
@SuiteClasses({ StringHelperBooleanParameterizedTest.class, StringHelperParameterizedTest.class,
		StringHelperTest.class })
public class StringHelperTests {



Mockito is an open source testing framework for Java. The framework allows the creation of test double objects in automated unit tests for the purpose of test-driven development or behavior-driven development.

Maven Dependency:


Basic Mockito methods:

  • mock(Class<?> theClass) - Creates mock object of given class or interface.
TodoService todoServiceMock = mock(TodoService.class);
  • when(<Method to mock>).thenReturn(<Returned mock values>) - Enables stubbing methods. Use it when you want the mock to return particular value when particular method is called.
List<String> todos = Arrays.asList("Learn Spring MVC", "Learn Spring", "Learn to Dance");
  • anyInt() - Any int, Integer or null.
List listMock = mock(List.class);
  • when(<Method to mock>).thenThrow(<Returned Exception>) - Sets Throwable objects to be thrown when the method is called.
List listMock = mock(List.class);
when(listMock.get(anyInt())).thenThrow(new RuntimeException("Something failed!!!"));
  • Mockito doesn't allowed combination of Matchers and hardcoded values.
when(listMock.subList(anyInt(), 5)) //Invalid
  • assertThat - Asserts that actual satisfies the condition specified by matcher.
assertThat(filteredTodos.size(), is(2));
  • verify() - Verifies certain behavior happened.
verify(todoServiceMock).deleteTodo("Learn to Dance");
  • never() - Verifies that interaction did not happen.
verify(todoServiceMock, never()).deleteTodo("Learn to Dance");
  • times() - Allows verifying exact number of invocations.
verify(todoServiceMock, times(1)).deleteTodo("Learn to Dance");

BDD Style methods:

  • given(<Method to mock>).willReturn(<Returned mock values>)
List<String> todos = Arrays.asList("Learn Spring MVC", "Learn Spring", "Learn to Dance");
  • then()/should() - Bdd style verification of mock behavior
then(todoServiceMock).should().deleteTodo("Learn to Dance");
then(todoServiceMock).should(never()).deleteTodo("Learn Spring");
then(todoServiceMock).should(times(1)).deleteTodo("Learn to Dance");

Argument Capture:

  • Declare Argument Captor
ArgumentCaptor<String> stringArgumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
  • Capture the Argument on the method
  • Verify the Captured values
assertThat(stringArgumentCaptor.getValue(), is("Learn to Dance"));

Hamcrest Matchers:

  • Maven Dependency
  • Examples:
	public void test() {
		List<Integer> scores = Arrays.asList(99, 100, 101, 105);
		assertThat(scores, hasSize(4));
		assertThat(scores, hasItems(99, 100));
		assertThat(scores, everyItem(greaterThan(90)));
		assertThat(scores, everyItem(lessThan(190)));
		assertThat("", isEmptyString());
		assertThat(null, isEmptyOrNullString());
		Integer[] marks = {1, 2, 3};
		assertThat(marks, arrayWithSize(3));
		assertThat(marks, arrayContaining(1, 2, 3));
		assertThat(marks, arrayContainingInAnyOrder(3, 2, 1));

Mockito Annotations:

  • @Mock - Mark a field as a mock.
TodoService todoServiceMock;
  • @InjectMocks - Mark a field on which injection should be performed.
TodoBusinessImpl todoBusinessImpl;
  • @Captor - Allows shorthand org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor creation on fields.
ArgumentCaptor<String> stringArgumentCaptor;

Why does Mockito not allow stubbing final and private methods?


All about JUnit and Mockito


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