yuvarajrajdata / Phoneph-data-project

Phonepe Pulse Data Visualization and Exploration: A User-Friendly Tool Using Streamlit and Plotly

Home Page:https://dashboard1py-tq1731pyqxa.streamlit.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Phonepe Pulse Data Visualization and Exploration: A User-Friendly Tool Using Streamlit and Plotly import pandas as pd import plotly.express as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import requests import json import streamlit as st import altair as alt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns

Visit app :


Set the page configuration

st.set_page_config( page_title='Dashboard for PhonePe', layout='wide', initial_sidebar_state='expanded' )

Read the "india_map" CSV file into a DataFrame

df1 = pd.read_csv('data/india_map.csv')

Read the "Bar_chart" CSV file into a DataFrame

df2 = pd.read_csv('data/bar_chart.csv')

Read the "Histogram_district" CSV file into a DataFrame :

df3 = pd.read_csv('data/histogram_district.csv')

Read the "Histogram_state" CSV file into a DataFrame :

df4 = pd.read_csv('data/line_plot.csv')

Create st.sidebar elements for the choropleth map , bar chart , histogram to select option

Create the Streamlit app

step :1

def main():

# Create sidebar with select options
option = st.sidebar.radio('Select Visualization of transactions', ('Choropleth Map', 'Brand Wise', 'District Wise', 'top_10_states_by_count' ,'top_10_states_by_trans_amount'))

if option == 'Choropleth Map':
elif option == 'Brand Wise':
elif option == 'District Wise':
elif option =='top_10_states_by_count':
elif option =='top_10_states_by_trans_amount':
# Create sidebar with select options
option = st.sidebar.radio('Select Visualization of Users Analysis', ('Users Analysis', 'top_user_by_type'))

if option == 'Users Analysis':  
elif option == 'top_user_by_type':

Create the Streamlit app for the choropleth map

Step 1 :

def main_choropleth(): # Set the title of the app st.title('Phonepe Data Visualization Dashboard') st.subheader('Choropleth Map')

# Filter options for choropleth map
years_choropleth = df1['year'].unique()
selected_year = st.selectbox('Select Year for Choropleth Map', years_choropleth)

quarters_choropleth = df1['quarter'].unique()
selected_quarter = st.selectbox('Select Quarter for Choropleth Map', quarters_choropleth)

# Apply filters for choropleth map
filtered_df = df1[(df1['year'] == selected_year) & (df1['quarter'] == selected_quarter)]

# Geo plot
# Calculate the range of transaction_amount for setting zmin and zmax
zmin = 1e5  # Custom minimum value
zmax = 1e9  # Custom maximum value

fig_tra = px.choropleth(
    color_continuous_scale='Viridis',  # Change the color scale
    range_color=(zmin, zmax),  # Set custom range
    title='Transaction Analysis')

fig_tra.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False)
fig_tra.update_layout(title_font=dict(size=33), title_font_color='#6739b7', height=500)

st.plotly_chart(fig_tra, use_container_width=True)

Step : 2

def main_bar_chart(): # Set the title of the app st.title('Data visualization on Brand wise transactions')
st.subheader('Bar chart Dashboard')

# Filter options for histogram
states_bar_chart = df2['state'].unique()
selected_state_bar_chart = st.selectbox('Select State or UT for bar chart', states_bar_chart)

years_bar_chart = df2['year'].unique()
selected_year_bar_chart = st.selectbox('Select Year for bar chart', years_bar_chart)

quarters_bar_chart = df2['quarter'].unique()
selected_quarter_bar_chart = st.selectbox('Select Quarter for bar chart', quarters_bar_chart)

# Apply filters for histogram
filtered_data_bar_chart = df2[
    (df2['state'] == selected_state_bar_chart) &
    (df2['year'] == selected_year_bar_chart) &
    (df2['quarter'] == selected_quarter_bar_chart)

# Sort the data in ascending order based on count
filtered_data_bar_chart = filtered_data_bar_chart.sort_values('Count', ascending=True)

# Create a simple histogram using Altair
chart = alt.Chart(filtered_data_bar_chart).mark_bar().encode(
    x=alt.X('Brands', sort='-y'),
    tooltip=['Brands', 'Count']
    title='Histogram of Count by Brand (Ascending Order)'

# Render the chart using Streamlit
st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True)

Step 3:

Create the Streamlit app for the histograms

def main_histogram(): # Set the title of the app st.title('Data visualization on District wise transactions') st.subheader('Histogram Dashboard')

# Filter options for histogram
states_histogram = df3['state'].unique()
selected_state_histogram = st.selectbox('Select State or Union Territory :', states_histogram)

years_histogram = df3['year'].unique()
selected_year_histogram = st.selectbox('Select Year :', years_histogram)

quarters_histogram = df3['quarter'].unique()
selected_quarter_histogram = st.selectbox('Select Quarter :', quarters_histogram)

# Apply filters for histogram
filtered_data_histogram = df3[
    (df3['state'] == selected_state_histogram) &
    (df3['year'] == selected_year_histogram) &
    (df3['quarter'] == selected_quarter_histogram)

# Sort the data in ascending order based on 'Count' and 'Amount'
filtered_data_histogram = filtered_data_histogram.sort_values(['Count', 'Amount'], ascending=[True, True])

# Create a bar plot for Count
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sns.barplot(x='District', y='Count', data=filtered_data_histogram, palette='viridis')
plt.title('Transactions Counts by District (Ascending Order)')

# Display the Count histogram using Streamlit

# Create a bar plot for Amount
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sns.barplot(x='District', y='Amount', data=filtered_data_histogram, palette='tab20')
plt.title('Transaction Amount by District (Ascending Order)')

# Display the Amount histogram using Streamlit

Top 10 states by transaction count :

Function to create the Top 10 States visualization

def main_top_10_states(): st.title("Top 10 States by Transaction Count")

# Group the data by year and state and calculate the total transaction count for each state in each year
grouped_data = df1.groupby(['year', 'state'])['transaction_count'].sum().reset_index()

# Dropdown to select the year
years = grouped_data['year'].unique()
selected_year = st.selectbox("Select a year", years)

# Display the top 10 states for the selected year
top_10_states = grouped_data[grouped_data['year'] == selected_year].nlargest(10, 'transaction_count')
st.write(f"Top 10 states in {selected_year}:")
# ignore the index and add index to the top 10 states :
top_10_states = top_10_states.reset_index()

# Sort the data in descending order by transaction count for plotting
top_10_states = top_10_states.sort_values(by='transaction_count', ascending=False )

# Create a color palette for the bar chart
num_states = len(top_10_states)
colors = sns.color_palette('viridis', num_states)

# Plot the transaction counts for the top 10 states
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
ax.bar(top_10_states['state'], top_10_states['transaction_count'], color=colors)
ax.set_xticklabels(top_10_states['state'], rotation=90)
ax.set_ylabel("Transaction Count")
ax.set_title(f"Top 10 States by Transaction Count in {selected_year}")

Top 10 States by transaction count :

def main_top_10_states_trans_amount(): st.title("Top 10 States by Transaction amount")

# Group the data by year and state and calculate the total transaction count for each state in each year
grouped_data = df1.groupby(['year', 'state'])['transaction_amount'].sum().reset_index()

# Dropdown to select the year
years = grouped_data['year'].unique()
selected_year = st.selectbox("Select a year", years)

# Display the top 10 states for the selected year
top_10_states = grouped_data[grouped_data['year'] == selected_year].nlargest(10, 'transaction_amount')
st.write(f"Top 10 states in {selected_year}:")
# ignore the index and add index to the top 10 states :
top_10_states = top_10_states.reset_index()

# Sort the data in descending order by transaction count for plotting
top_10_states = top_10_states.sort_values(by='transaction_amount', ascending=False )

# Create a color palette for the bar chart
num_states = len(top_10_states)
colors = sns.color_palette('viridis', num_states)

# Plot the transaction counts for the top 10 states
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
ax.bar(top_10_states['state'], top_10_states['transaction_amount'], color=colors)
ax.set_xticklabels(top_10_states['state'], rotation=90)
ax.set_ylabel("Transaction Amount")
ax.set_title(f"Top 10 States by Transaction Amount in {selected_year}")

Step 4 :

Create the Streamlit app for Registered Users and App Opens:

def main_line_plot(): # Set the title of the app st.title('Data visualization on Users Data by District wise') st.subheader('Line Plot based on Selected Filters')

# Filter options for line plot
states_line_plot = df4['State'].unique()
selected_state_line_plot = st.selectbox('Select State or UT', states_line_plot)

years_line_plot = df4['Year'].unique()
selected_year_line_plot = st.selectbox('Select Year', years_line_plot)

# make filter options for District based on selected state and provide a scrollable select box:
districts_line_plot = df4[df4['State'] == selected_state_line_plot]['District'].unique()
selected_districts_line_plot = st.selectbox('Select District(s)', districts_line_plot, index=0)

# Apply filters for line plots
filtered_data_line_plot = df4[
    (df4['State'] == selected_state_line_plot) &
    (df4['Year'] == selected_year_line_plot) &
    (df4['District'] == selected_districts_line_plot)

# Create the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

# Plot RegisteredUser data
ax.plot(filtered_data_line_plot['Quarter'], filtered_data_line_plot['RegisteredUser'], label='Registered Users', marker='o', linestyle='-')

# Plot AppOpens data
ax.plot(filtered_data_line_plot['Quarter'], filtered_data_line_plot['AppOpens'], label='App Opens', marker='x', linestyle='--')

# Add labels and title
ax.set_title('Registered Users and App Opens in {} ({})'.format(selected_districts_line_plot, selected_year_line_plot))

# Add gridlines

# Add a legend to distinguish the lines

# Display the plot using Streamlit

create histo plot for transcation_type by state wise :

Function to create the histo Plot for Transaction Type by State-Wise data

def main_histo_plot(): # Set the title of the app st.title('Data visualization on Transaction Type by State-Wise') st.subheader('Histogram Dashboard')

# Filter options for histogram
states_histogram = df1['state'].unique()
selected_state_histogram = st.selectbox('Select State or UT', states_histogram)

years_histogram = df1['year'].unique()
selected_year_histogram = st.selectbox('Select Year', years_histogram)

quarters_histogram = df1['quarter'].unique()
selected_quarter_histogram = st.selectbox('Select Quarter', quarters_histogram)

# Apply filters for histogram
filtered_data_histogram = df1[
    (df1['state'] == selected_state_histogram) &
    (df1['year'] == selected_year_histogram) &
    (df1['quarter'] == selected_quarter_histogram)

# Group the data by transaction_type and sum the transaction counts
grouped_data = filtered_data_histogram.groupby('transaction_type')['transaction_count'].sum().reset_index()

# Sort the data in descending order based on transaction_count
grouped_data = grouped_data.sort_values(by='transaction_count', ascending=False)

# Create a histogram using Seaborn and Matplotlib
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sns.barplot(data=grouped_data, x='transaction_type', y='transaction_count', palette='viridis')
plt.xlabel('Transaction Type')
plt.ylabel('Transaction Count')
plt.title(f'Histogram of Transaction Count by Transaction Type\nState: {selected_state_histogram}, Year: {selected_year_histogram}, Quarter: {selected_quarter_histogram}')


Run the app

if name == 'main': main()


Phonepe Pulse Data Visualization and Exploration: A User-Friendly Tool Using Streamlit and Plotly



Language:Jupyter Notebook 89.1%Language:Python 10.9%