Yusi Tumanggor (yusitumanggor)


Geek Repo





Location:Cikarang Utara, Indonesia

Home Page:linkedin.com/in/yusi-roziana-oktaviani-tumanggor-3b9b8a226

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Yusi Tumanggor's repositories


This project is the desktop application that was built with C# in Visual Studio Community 2019 using the .NET Framework, which functions as a Contact Management System. Operating without a database, it simplifies contact organization, allowing users to easily add and manage contacts in a table format



This project is a simple student management system that allows users to register and manage student profiles. The code provided appears to be the implementation of the registration page of the student management system. It is written in Java and uses Swing for the graphical user interface.



This software engineering project involved a developing clinical management system, including creating several diagrams, and implementing it using Java programming language on Apache NetBeans tools and connecting to a MySQL database



This Project provides a user-friendly interface with different menus for managing invoices, customers, and products. This Project allows users to add and manage products with various features such as product name, price, quantity, and description.



This program aims to help users manage their contacts and send messages to their friends. The user can add new contacts with their names, phone numbers, and email addresses. The user can also search for a specific contact and see their details. The app allows users to send messages to their contacts as well.



This program simulates interactions with various organs in the human body. The program allows users to select different organs, such as the left eye, right eye, heart, stomach, and skin, and perform actions related to them. this program provides an interactive and educational experience about the human body and its organs.



This game is a game called "Guess a Number." The game starts by welcoming the player and asking for their name. Then it asks if the player wants to start the game. If the player agrees, a random number between 1 and 25 is generated. The player is asked to guess the number, and they have up to 5 attempts to guess correctly.



This project is a store for buying stationery items like books, pencils, and erasers by typing in a number. The project aims to make it easy for users to choose and buy stationery items, calculate the total price, and handle the payment process.



This project aims to provide a simple and efficient way to manage book borrowing and returns, allowing users to enjoy a wide range of books from different genres while maintaining proper record-keeping and late fee calculations.



This project created a speech assistant in Python called Dita: Simple Voice Assistant. This program is inspired by one of the source codes on Youtube and GitHub, namely Alexis-Speech-Assistant. This program uses methods and codes similar to the source code and slightly modifies the code according to the tools and devices that used



This project aims to create a simple semantic web page using HTML that incorporates various multimedia elements such as video and audio, along with a side menu for easy navigation. The project focuses on using semantic HTML tags to enhance the accessibility, structure, and meaning of the web page content.
