yusha-g / E-Learning-Courses-DB-and-API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of Contents

1. Files

2. Design
    2.1. Database Design
    2.2. API Endpoints

3. Running Guide
    3.1. Setup
    3.2. Running Guide

4. Demonstration

1. Files

1.1. DB_setup.js

  • This file is responsible for setting up the database connection and creating the necessary tables.
  • It also inserts some initial data into the tables.

1.2. DB_Functions.js

  • This file contains various functions that interact with the database.
  • It includes functions for viewing, adding and updating a course, registering a learner, creating, updating and searching for a lead, and adding a comment.
  • Each function corresponds to an API endpoint.
  • Created for the sake simplicity, so that app.js can import and utilise it.

1.3. app_validate_input.js

  • This file includes functions for validating input data for courses, learners, and leads.
  • It checks if the input data follows the expected format and returns an error message if any inconsistencies are found.

1.4. app.js

  • This is the main entrypoint.
  • It imports and utilizes functions from DB_Functions and app_validate_input.
  • Holds the API endpoints.

2. Design

2.1. DataBase Design


  • instructor_id (primary key, auto increment)
  • name
  • email (unique)


  • course_id (primary key, auto increment)
  • course_name
  • instructor_id (foreign key referencing Instructors table)
  • max_seat
  • free_seats (≤ max_seats)
  • start_date


  • learner_id (primary key, auto increment)
  • name
  • email (unique)
  • phone_number (unique)
  • linkedin (unique)


  • lead_id (primary key, auto increment)
  • course_id (foreign key referencing Courses table)
  • learner_id (foreign key referencing Learners table)
  • status (Accept / Reject / Waitlist)


  • comment_id (primary key, auto increment)
  • lead_id (foreign key referencing Leads table)
  • instructor_id (foreign key referencing Instructors table)
  • comment


  • One instructor can have multiple courses.
  • Multiple learners can apply for multiple courses.
  • Instructor can add multiple comments for each lead.

Example Data

  1. John Doe (instructor_id=1) teaches JavaScript 101 (course_id=1).
    Alice Johnson (learner_id=1) was accepted into the JavaScript 101 course, indicated by lead_id = 1.
    Against lead_id = 1, John Doe inserts a comment, “Good Job!”
  2. John Doe (instructor_id=1) teaches Node.js Basics (courses_id=2).
    Bob Lee (learner_id = 2) was waitlisted from Node.js Basics course, indicated by lead_id = 2.
    Against lead_id = 3, John Doe inserts a comment, “We will update you shortly”
  3. Jane Smirth (instructor_id=2) teaches Python Basics (course_id=3).
    Riya De (learder_id=3) was rejected from Python Basics course, indicated by lead_id=3.
    Against lead_id=3, Jane Smith inserts a comment, “Unfortunately, registration has ended”.

Constraints when Inserting data

  1. Unique keys should be maintained
  2. Cannot add new Course if a course with the same course_name and instructor_id exists.
  3. Students are waitlisted in a courses if free_seats ≤ 0 If course has already started, the student is automatically rejected. When a student is accepted into a course, the free_seats in that course is decreased by 1.
  4. Only instructors teaching the course can insert comments to their corresponding leads.

2.2. API Endpoints

View courses API

  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /course
  • Parameters: none
  • Action: View existing courses

Create course API

  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /course
  • Request Body: { course_name, instructor_id, max_seat, free_seats, start_date }
  • Actions: Create a new course in the Courses table with the provided details.

Update course details API

  • Method: PUT
  • Endpoint: /course/:id
  • Parameter: { course_name, instructor_id, max_seat, free_seats, start_date }
  • Actions: Update the course details in the Courses table based on the provided course ID.

Course registration API [Lead creation]

  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /courses/:id/register/
  • Parameters: { course_id, learner_id, status }
  • Actions: Create a new learner in the Learners table and create a new lead in the Leads table linking the course and learner.

Lead update API

  • Method: PUT
  • Endpoint: /leads/:id
  • Parameters: { }
  • Actions: Update the lead status in the Leads table based on the provided lead ID.

Lead search API

  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /leads/:email
  • Parameters: {}
  • Actions: Retrieve leads from the Leads table based on the provided email.

Add comment API

  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /leads/comments
  • Parameters: { instructor_id, comment }
  • Actions: Create a new comment in the Comments table for the specified lead and instructor.

3. Running Guide

3.1. Installing Dependencies

Before running the application, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

  1. npm
  2. express
  3. dotenv
  4. mysql2
  5. nodemon

3.1. Setup

3.1.1. Environment Setup

  • Ensure that you have Node.js installed on your system.
  • Clone or download the code files to your local machine.
  • Install Dependencies:
    npm install express
    npm install dotenv
    npm install mysql2
    npm install --save-dev nodemon

3.1.2. Database Setup

  • Create a .env file in the project directory and configure the following environment variables:
    DB_HOST = <your_database_host>, DB_USERNAME = <your_username>, DB_PASSWORD = <your_password>, DB = <your_database_name>, DB_SOCKETPATH = <your_socketpath> (/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock for MAC)
  • Import the database schema and example data using the DB_setup.js script.
  • Run the following command: node DB_setup.js
    This will create the necessary tables and populate them with example data.
    NOTE: Once connection is successfully established, running the script more than once can lead to duplicate records in some cases.

3.2. Running Guide

  1. Open a command line interface and navigate to the project directory.
  2. Run the following command to start the server: npm run devStart
  3. The server will start running, and you should see a message indicating that the server is listening on a specific port (e.g., 8000 in our case). The application will now be running, and you can access the API endpoints described above.

4. Demonstration

Download Demo .mp4



Language:JavaScript 100.0%