yusha-g / Book-Tracker

A laravel project that helps users keep track of their yearly reading goals

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Made using Laravel and Sanctum.
Keep track of the books you've read. Set a reading goal and complete it. Add books to bookshelves.

php 7.4.9, composer 2.6.1 with Laravel 8.83.27

Table of Contents

   1.1. Database Design

   1.2. API Endpoints

1. Project Design

1.1. DataBase Design

A Rough View of the Databases

database design


  • id (PK, auto-increment)
  • email (unique)
  • pwd

User Profile

  • id (PK, auto-increment)
  • user id (foreign key referencing Users(user_id) )
  • username (varchar)
  • avg_rating (float)
  • total_read (integer)
  • reading_goal (integer)


  • id (PK)
  • user_id (FK referencing PK of Users table)
  • title (varchar)
  • author (varchar)
  • start_date (date)
  • end_date (date, >start_date)
  • rating (integer, <=5)

Shelf Junction

  • book_id (FK referencing PK of Book table)
  • shelf_id (FK referencing PK of Shelves table)


  • id (PK)
  • name (varchar)


  • One User only had one User Profile. And, a user profile only belongs to one user
  • One User may have one or more books. But, one book only belongs to one user.
  • One book may have multiple shelves (through shelf junction). And, one shelf may have multiple books.

1.2. API Endpoints

2. Step-by-Step Guide


  1. composer create-project laravel/laravel Book-Tracker
  2. made necessary changes in .env

Connecting to git

  1. git init
  2. git add .
  3. git commit -m "first commit"
  4. git remote add origin https://github.com/yusha-g/Book-Tracker.git
  5. git push -u origin master

Models and Migrations

  1. Creating

    1. User model already exists. Will make changes to it if and when required.
    2. php artisan make:model UserProfile -m
    3. php artisan make:model Book -m
    4. php artisan make:model Shelves -m
    5. php artisan make:model ShelfJunction -m
    6. php artisan make:migration insert_default_shelves [will insert the default shelves: read, reading and tbr]
    7. In each model, add corresponding fillable and specify relationships with other tables. [example with Book Model]
     protected $fillable = [
         public function user(){
             return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
         public function shelves(){
             /*intermediate table, foreign keys in the intemediary table
     		(book belongs to many shelves via shelf junction) */
             return $this->belongsToMany(Shelves::class, 'shelf_junction','book_id','shelf_id');
  2. Editing Migrations (example with user_profoiles_table)

    1. Define table structure like so:
         Schema::create('user_profiles', function (Blueprint $table) { 
    1. Define Relationship with other tables:

       Schema::table('user_profiles', function($table){
    2. Because Eloquent does not support sql checks, write them separately:
      ALTERNATELY / ADDITIONALLY: We can add these checks during validation

         ALTER TABLE user_profiles
         ADD CONSTRAINT anv_rating_check CHECK (avg_rating >= 0 AND avg_rating <= 5)

    1. Using Composite Primary Key

      $table->primary(['book_id', 'shelf_id']);

      In doing so, you just specify the primary key in the model as well:

      protected $primaryKey = ['book_id', 'shelf_id'];
    2. Inserting Default Shelves [read, reading, tbr]

       public function up()
       public function down()

Adding Book Routes and Operations

  1. php artisan make:controller BookController
  2. routes.php > api.php
    1. Import BookController use App\Http\Controllers\BookController;
    2. group book related routes together: 2.1. Route::middleware([])->prefix('book')->group(function(){} 2.2. will add middleware later
    3. Inside the function, add the routes as follows: 3.1. Route::post('/',[BookController::class, 'create']); 3.2. add similar routes for get, put and delete
  3. Implement the necessary functions in BookController

User Authentication using Sactum

Laravel 8 provide sanctum by default

  1. In App\Http\Kernel.php uncomment \Laravel\Sanctum\Http\Middleware\EnsureFrontendRequestsAreStateful::class, under the api seciton

  2. Create the login and register routes with post method.

  3. php artisan make:controller AuthController

  4. Corresponding to the above routes, create functions for register, login and logout.


    1. Validate request

       $validateUser = Validator::make($req->all(),[
               if($validateUser -> fails()){
                   $res = [
                       'message'=> $validateUser -> errors()
    2. Once validated, create new user and issue token


    1. Similar to Registration, validate the user.
    2. Once validated, attempt authentication.
    3. If Authentication succeeds issue a token

Resources Used

  1. Working with Laravel Compoite Keys


A laravel project that helps users keep track of their yearly reading goals


Language:PHP 83.6%Language:Blade 15.9%Language:JavaScript 0.5%