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Open Source RPA πŸ€– Robotic Process Automation

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Automagica - Smart Robotic Process Automation Downloads

Automagica is a Smart Robotic Process Automation (SRPA) platform for fully automating tedious, manual tasks with software.

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This repository is for the open source Python library, where all the Automagica building blocks are. With Automagica, automating cross-platform processes becomes a breeze. With this open source library we want to provide a comprehensive and consistent wrapper around known and lesser known automation libraries.

Refer to the Automagica official website for more information. Registered users can access the Automagica Portal. For more info see the documentation.

Important information

  • We just launched the latest version of our Automagica Portal
  • Check out our public roadmap and feel free to add suggestions to the Ideas column!
  • We're on Discord and Telegram
  • You can now also run automations developed with UiPath, Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere, AutoIt and Robot Framework with the Automagica Portal!

Need expert support?

We can support you end-to-end in all your automation needs, from estimating automation potential for processes to technical implementation and integration. Please send an e-mail to sales@automagica.com for enquiries and rates.

Getting started


The easiest way to install Automagica is by using the installer for Windows which can be downloaded from the Automagica Portal.

Other OSes than Windows

Fedora-like distributions of Linux such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS

You can install Automagica by running the following commands:

sudo yum install python3-devel chromium -y
sudo pip3 install automagica -U

Debian-like distributions of Linux such as Ubuntu

You can install Automagica by running the following commands:

sudo apt-get install python3-devel chromium -y
sudo pip3 install automagica -U


If you would like to run browser automations, you also need to install Chromium or Chrome.

Developers and other platforms

If you wish to only install the Automagica Python library (without registering for the Automagica Portal), follow the below steps.

  • Download and install Python 3.7

  • Install the latest version Automagica on your machine:

pip install automagica --upgrade

Importing the activities

Before getting started in development mode, don't forget to import the activities from automagica in your python script. If unsure, it is possible to import all the activities for development purposes by starting your script with:

from automagica import *


Try out the one-click examples:

Browser working with Excel:

Excel Example Automagica

SAP Automation (Production example, sensitive information is blurred):

Sap Example Automagica

Folder and File manipulation

Docker Support (Experimental)

This is still under heavy development, but we're exploring possibilities of running Automagica robots in a containerized desktop. You can try this with docker with the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/oakwoodai/automagica
cd automagica
docker build . -t automagica
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 automagica

Then browse to http://localhost:8080/vnc.html


An overview of all official Automagica activities:

Process Description
Cryptography β€Œβ€Œ
Random key Generate random Fernet key. Fernet guarantees that a message encrypted using it cannot be manipulated or read without the key. Fernet is an implementation of symmetric (also known as β€œsecret key”) authenticated cryptography
Encrypt text Encrypt text with (Fernet) key,
Decrypt text Dexrypt bytes-like object to string with (Fernet) key
Encrypt file Encrypt file with (Fernet) key. Note that file will be unusable unless unlocked with the same key.
Decrypt file Decrypts file with (Fernet) key
Key from password Generate key based on password and salt. If both password and salt are known the key can be regenerated.
Hash from file Generate hash from file
Hash from text Generate hash from text
Random β€Œβ€Œ
Random number Random numbers can be integers (not a fractional number) or a float (fractional number).
Random boolean Generates a random boolean (True or False)
Random name Generates a random name. Adding a locale adds a more common name in the specified locale. Provides first name and last name.
Random sentence Generates a random sentence. Specifying locale changes language and content based on locale.
Random address Generates a random address. Specifying locale changes random locations and streetnames based on locale.
Random beep Generates a random beep, only works on Windows
Random date Generates a random date.
Generate unique identifier Generates a random UUID4 (universally unique identifier). While the probability that a UUID will be duplicated is not zero, it is close enough to zero to be negligible.
User Input β€Œβ€Œ
Ask user for input Prompt the user for an input with a pop-up window.
Ask user for password Prompt the user for a password. The password will be masked on screen while entering.
Ask user for credentials Prompt a popup which asks user for username and password and returns in plain text. Password will be masked.
Shows message box A pop-up message with title and message.
Display overlay message Display custom OSD (on-screen display) message. Can be used to display a message for a limited amount of time. Can be used for illustration, debugging or as OSD.
Browser β€Œβ€Œ
Open Chrome Browser Open the Chrome Browser with the Selenium webdriver. Canb be used to automate manipulations in the browser.Different elements can be found as:
Save all images Save all images on current page in the Browser
Find elements by text Find all elements by their text. Text does not need to match exactly, part of text is enough.
Find element by text Find one element by text. Text does not need to match exactly, part of text is enough.
Find all links Find all links on a webpage in the browser
Find first link on a webpage Find first link on a webpage
Highlight element Highlight elements in yellow in the browser
Exit the browser Quit the browser by exiting gracefully. One can also use the native 'quit' function
Find all XPaths Find all elements with specified xpath on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_elements_by_xpath'
Find XPath in browser Find all element with specified xpath on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_elements_by_xpath'
Find class in browser Find element with specified class on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_element_by_class_name'
Find class in browser Find all elements with specified class on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_elements_by_class_name' function
Find element in browser based on class and text Find all elements with specified class and text on a webpage in the the browser.
Find id in browser Find element with specified id on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_element_by_id' function
Credential Management β€Œβ€Œ
Set credential Add a credential which stores credentials locally and securely. All parameters should be Unicode text.
Delete credential Delete a locally stored credential. All parameters should be Unicode text.
Get credential Get a locally stored redential. All parameters should be Unicode text.
FTP β€Œβ€Œ
Create FTP connection Can be used to automate activites for FTP
Download file Downloads a file from FTP server. Connection needs to be established first.
Upload file Upload file to FTP server
List FTP files Generate a list of all the files in the FTP directory
Check FTP directory Check if FTP directory exists
Create FTP directory Create a FTP directory. Note that sufficient permissions are present
Keyboard β€Œβ€Œ
Press key Press and release an entered key. Make sure your keyboard is on US layout (standard QWERTY).If you are using this on Mac Os you might need to grant acces to your terminal application. (Security Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility)
Press key combination Press a combination of two or three keys simultaneously. Make sure your keyboard is on US layout (standard QWERTY).
Type text Types text in the current active field by simulating keyboard typing. Make sure your keyboard is on US layout (standard QWERTY).
Mouse β€Œβ€Œ
Get mouse coordinates Get the x and y pixel coordinates of current mouse position.These coordinates represent the absolute pixel position of the mouse on the computer screen. The x-coΓΆrdinate starts on the left side and increases going right. The y-coΓΆrdinate increases going down.
Display mouse position Displays mouse position in an overlay. Refreshes every two seconds. Can be used to find mouse position of element on the screen.These coordinates represent the absolute pixel position of the mouse on the computer screen. The x-coΓΆrdinate starts on the left side and increases going right. The y-coΓΆrdinate increases going down.
Mouse click Clicks on a pixel position on the visible screen determined by x and y coordinates.
Double mouse click Double clicks on a pixel position on the visible screen determined by x and y coordinates.
Right click Right clicks on a pixel position on the visible screen determined by x and y coordinates.
Move mouse Moves te pointer to a x-y position.
Move mouse relative Moves the mouse an x- and y- distance relative to its current pixel position.
Drag mouse Drag the mouse from its current position to a entered x-y position, while holding a specified button.
Image β€Œβ€Œ
Random screen snippet Take a random square snippet from the current screen. Mainly for testing and/or development purposes.
Screenshot Take a screenshot of current screen.
Click on image This function searches the screen for a match with template image and clicks directly in the middle. Note that this only finds exact matches.For a more advanced and robust vision detection method see Automagica AI functionality.
Double click image Double click on similar image on the screen. This function searches the screen for a match with template image and doubleclicks directly in the middle.Note that this only finds exact matches. For a more advanced and robust vision detection method see Automagica AI functionality.
Right click image Right click on similar image on the screen. This function searches the screen for a match with template image and right clicks directly in the middle.Note that this only finds exact matches. For a more advanced and robust vision detection method see Automagica AI functionality.
Locate image on screen Find exact image on the screen. This function searches the screen for a match with template image and clicks directly in the middle.Note that this only finds exact matches. For a more advanced and robust vision detection method see Automagica AI functionality.
Folder Operations β€Œβ€Œ
List files in folder List all files in a folder (and subfolders)Checks all folders and subfolders for files. This could take some time for large repositories.
Create folder Creates new folder at the given path.
Rename folder Rename a folder
Open a folder Open a folder with the default explorer.
Move a folder Moves a folder from one place to another.If the new location already contains a folder with the same name, a random 4 character uid is added to the name.
Remove folder Remove a folder including all subfolders and files. For the function to work optimal, all files and subfolders in the main targetfolder should be closed.
Empty folder Remove all contents from a folderFor the function to work optimal, all files and subfolders in the main targetfolder should be closed.
Checks if folder exists Check whether folder exists or not, regardless if folder is empty or not.
Copy a folder Copies a folder from one place to another.If the new location already contains a folder with the same name, a random 4 character id is added to the name.
Zip Zia folder and it's contents. Creates a .zip file.
Unzip Unzips a file or folder from a .zip file.
Return most recent file in directory Return most recent file in directory
Delay β€Œβ€Œ
Wait Make the robot wait for a specified number of seconds. Note that this activity is blocking. This means that subsequent activities will not occur until the the specified waiting time has expired.
Wait for image Waits for an image to appear on the screenNote that this activity waits for an exact match of the template image to appear on the screen.Small variations, such as color or resolution could result in a mismatch.
Wait for folder Waits until a folder exists.Not that this activity is blocking and will keep the system waiting.
Word Application β€Œβ€Œ
Start Word Application For this activity to work, Microsoft Office Word needs to be installed on the system.
Append text Append text at end of Word document.
Replace text Can be used for example to replace arbitrary placeholder value. For example whenusing template document, using 'XXXX' as a placeholder. Take note that all strings are case sensitive.
Read all text Read all the text from a document
Export to PDF Export the document to PDF
Export to HTML Export to HTML
Set footers Set the footers of the document
Set headers Set the headers of the document
Quit Word This closes Word, make sure to use 'save' or 'save_as' if you would like to save before quitting.
Word File β€Œβ€Œ
Read and Write Word files These activities can read, write and edit Word (docx) files without the need of having Word installed.Note that, in contrary to working with the :func: 'Word' activities, a file get saved directly after manipulation.
Read all text Read all the text from the document
Append text Append text at the end of the document
Save Save document
Save as Save file on specified path
Set headers Set headers of Word document
Replace all Replaces all occurences of a placeholder text in the document with a replacement text.
Outlook Application β€Œβ€Œ
Start Outlook Application For this activity to work, Outlook needs to be installed on the system.
Send e-mail Send an e-mail using Outlook
Retrieve folders Retrieve list of folders from Outlook
Retrieve e-mails Retrieve list of messages from Outlook
Delete e-mails Deletes e-mail messages in a certain folder. Can be specified by searching on subject, body or sender e-mail.
Move e-mails Move e-mail messages in a certain folder. Can be specified by searching on subject, body or sender e-mail.
Save attachments Save all attachments from certain folder
Retrieve contacts Retrieve all contacts
Add a contact Add a contact to Outlook contacts
Quit Close the Outlook application
Excel Application β€Œβ€Œ
Start Excel Application For this activity to work, Microsoft Office Excel needs to be installed on the system.
Add worksheet Adds a worksheet to the current workbook
Activate worksheet Activate a worksheet in the current Excel document by name
Save Save the current workbook
Save as Save the current workbook to a specific path
Write cell Write to a specific cell in the currently active workbook and active worksheet
Read cell Read a cell from the currently active workbook and active worksheet
Write range Write to a specific range in the currently active worksheet in the active workbook
Read range Read a range of cells from the currently active worksheet in the active workbook
Run macro Run a macro by name from the currently active workbook
Get worksheet names Get names of all the worksheets in the currently active workbook
Get table Get table data from the currently active worksheet by name of the table
Activate range Activate a particular range in the currently active workbook
Activate first empty cell down Activates the first empty cell going down
Activate first empty cell right Activates the first empty cell going right
Activate first empty cell left Activates the first empty cell going left
Activate first empty cell up Activates the first empty cell going up
Write cell formula Write a formula to a particular cell
Read cell formula Read the formula from a particular cell
Insert empty row Inserts an empty row to the currently active worksheet
Insert empty column Inserts an empty column in the currently active worksheet. Existing columns will shift to the right.
Delete row in Excel Deletes a row from the currently active worksheet. Existing data will shift up.
Delete column Delet a column from the currently active worksheet. Existing columns will shift to the left.
Export to PDF Export to PDF
Insert data as table Insert list of dictionaries as a table in Excel
Read worksheet Read data from a worksheet as a list of lists
Quit Excel This closes Excel, make sure to use 'save' or 'save_as' if you would like to save before quitting.
Excel File β€Œβ€Œ
Read and Write xlsx files. This activity can read, write and edit Excel (xlsx) files without the need of having Excel installed.Note that, in contrary to working with the :func: 'Excel' activities, a file get saved directly after manipulation.
Export file to dataframe Export to pandas dataframe
Activate worksheet Activate a worksheet. By default the first worksheet is activated.
Save as Save file as
Write cell Write a cell based on column and row
Read cell Read a cell based on column and row
Add worksheet Add a worksheet
Get worksheet names Get worksheet names
PowerPoint Application β€Œβ€Œ
Start PowerPoint Application For this activity to work, PowerPoint needs to be installed on the system.
Save PowerPoint Save PowerPoint Slidedeck
Close PowerPoint Application Close PowerPoint
Add PowerPoint Slides Adds slides to a presentation
Slide count Returns the number of slides
Text to slide Add text to a slide
Delete slide Delete a slide
Replace all occurences of text in PowerPoint slides Can be used for example to replace arbitrary placeholder value in a PowerPoint.For example when using a template slidedeck, using 'XXXX' as a placeholder.Take note that all strings are case sensitive.
PowerPoint to PDF Export PowerPoint presentation to PDF file
Slides to images Export PowerPoint slides to seperate image files
Office 365 β€Œβ€Œ
Send email Office Outlook 365 Send email Office Outlook 365
Salesforce β€Œβ€Œ
Salesforce API Activity to make calls to Salesforce REST API.
E-mail (SMTP) β€Œβ€Œ
Mail with SMTP This function lets you send emails with an e-mail address.
Windows OS β€Œβ€Œ
Find window with specific title Find a specific window based on the name, either a perfect match or a partial match.
Login to Windows Remote Desktop Create a RDP and login to Windows Remote Desktop
Stop Windows Remote Desktop Stop Windows Remote Desktop
Set Windows password Sets the password for a Windows user.
Check Windows password Validates a Windows user password if it is correct
Lock Windows Locks Windows requiring login to continue.
Check if Windows logged in Checks if the current user is logged in and not on the lockscreen. Most automations do not work properly when the desktop is locked.
Check if Windows is locked Checks if the current user is locked out and on the lockscreen. Most automations do not work properly when the desktop is locked.
Get Windows username Get current logged in user's username
Set clipboard Set any text to the Windows clipboard.
Get clipboard Get the text currently in the Windows clipboard
Empty clipboard Empty text from clipboard. Getting clipboard data after this should return in None
Run VBSscript Run a VBScript file
Beep Make a beeping sound. Make sure your volume is up and you have hardware connected.
Get all network interface names Returns a list of all network interfaces of the current machine
Enable network interface Enables a network interface by its name.
Disable network interface Disables a network interface by its name.
Get default printer Returns the name of the printer selected as default
Set default printer Set the default printer.
Remove printer Removes a printer by its name
Get service status Returns the status of a service on the machine
Start a service Starts a Windows service
Stop a service Stops a Windows service
Set window to foreground Sets a window to foreground by its title.
Get foreground window title Retrieve the title of the current foreground window
Close window Closes a window by its title
Maximize window Maximizes a window by its title
Restore window Restore a window by its title
Minimize window Minimizes a window by its title
Resize window Resize a window by its title
Hide window Hides a window from the user desktop by using it's title
Terminal β€Œβ€Œ
Run SSH command Runs a command over SSH (Secure Shell)
SNMP Get Retrieves data from an SNMP agent using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Active Directory β€Œβ€Œ
AD interface Interface to Windows Active Directory through ADSI
Get AD object by name Interface to Windows Active Directory through ADSI
Utilities β€Œβ€Œ
Get user home path Returns the current user's home path
Get desktop path Returns the current user's desktop path
Get downloads path Returns the current user's default download path
Open file Opens file with default programs
Set wallpaper Set Windows desktop wallpaper with the the specified image
Download file from a URL Download file from a URL
Trello β€Œβ€Œ
Add Trello Card Add a card to the Trello board. For this you need a Trello API key, secret and token.
System β€Œβ€Œ
Rename a file This activity will rename a file. If the the desired name already exists in the folder file will not be renamed.
Move a file If the new location already contains a file with the same name, a random 4 character uid will be added in front of the name before the file is moved.
Remove a file Remove a file
Check if file exists This function checks whether the file with the given path exists.
Wait until a file exists. Not that this activity is blocking and will keep the system waiting.
List to .txt Writes a list to a text (.txt) file.Every element of the entered list is written on a new line of the text file.
Read .txt file This activity writes the content of a .txt file to a list and returns that list.Every new line from the .txt file becomes a new element of the list. The activity willnot work if the entered path is not attached to a .txt file.
Append to .txt Append a text line to a file and creates the file if it does not exist yet.
Make text file Initialize text file
Copy a file Copies a file from one place to another.If the new location already contains a file with the same name, a random 4 character uid is added to the name.
Get file extension Get extension of a file
Print Send file to default printer to priner. This activity sends a file to the printer. Make sure to have a default printer set up.
PDF β€Œβ€Œ
Text from PDF Extracts the text from a PDF. This activity reads text from a pdf file. Can only read PDF files that contain a text layer.
Merge PDF Merges multiple PDFs into a single file
Extract page from PDF Extracts a particular range of a PDF to a separate file.
Extract images from PDF Save a specific page from a PDF as an image
Watermark a PDF Watermark a PDF
System Monitoring β€Œβ€Œ
CPU load Get average CPU load for all cores.
Count CPU Get the number of CPU's in the current system.
CPU frequency Get frequency at which CPU currently operates.
CPU Stats Get CPU statistics
Memory statistics Get memory statistics
Disk stats Get disk statistics of main disk
Partition info Get disk partition info
Boot time Get most recent boot time
Uptime Get uptime since last boot
Image Processing β€Œβ€Œ
Show image Displays an image specified by the path variable on the default imaging program.
Rotate image Rotate an image
Resize image Resizes the image specified by the path variable.
Get image width Get with of image
Get image height Get height of image
Crop image Crops the image specified by path to a region determined by the box variable.
Mirror image horizontally Mirrors an image with a given path horizontally from left to right.
Mirror image vertically Mirrors an image with a given path vertically from top to bottom.
Process β€Œβ€Œ
Windows run Use Windows Run to boot a processNote this uses keyboard inputs which means this process can be disrupted by interfering inputs
Run process Use subprocess to open a windows process
Check if process is running Check if process is running. Validates if given process name (name) is currently running on the system.
Get running processes Get names of unique processes currently running on the system.
Kill process Kills a process forcefully
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) β€Œβ€Œ
Get text with OCR This activity extracts all text from the current screen or an image if a path is specified.
Find text on screen with OCR This activity finds position (coordinates) of specified text on the current screen using OCR.
Click on text with OCR This activity clicks on position (coordinates) of specified text on the current screen using OCR.
Double click on text with OCR This activity double clicks on position (coordinates) of specified text on the current screen using OCR.
Right click on text with OCR This activity Right clicks on position (coordinates) of specified text on the current screen using OCR.
UiPath β€Œβ€Œ
Execute a UiPath process This activity allows you to execute a process designed with the UiPath Studio. All console output from the Write Line activity (https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/write-line) will be printed as output.
AutoIt β€Œβ€Œ
Execute a AutoIt script This activity allows you to run an AutoIt script. If you use the ConsoleWrite function (https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/ConsoleWrite.htm), the output will be presented to you.
Robot Framework β€Œβ€Œ
Execute a Robot Framework test case This activity allows you to run a Robot Framework test case. Console output of the test case will be printed.
Blue Prism β€Œβ€Œ
Run a Blue Prism process This activity allows you to run a Blue Prism process.
Automation Anywhere β€Œβ€Œ
Run an Automation Anywhere task This activity allows you to run an Automation Anywhere task.
Quit SAP GUI Quits the SAP GUI completely and forcibly.
Log in to SAP GUI Logs in to an SAP system on SAP GUI.
Click on a sAP GUI element Clicks on an identifier in the SAP GUI.
Get text from a SAP GUI element Retrieves the text from a SAP GUI element.
Set text of a SAP GUI element Sets the text of a SAP GUI element.
Highlights a SAP GUI element Temporarily highlights a SAP GUI element
Portal β€Œβ€Œ
Create a new job in the Automagica Portal This activity creates a new job in the Automagica Portal for a given script. The bot performing this activity will need to be assigned to the script it creates a job for.
Vision β€Œβ€Œ
Detect and click on an element with the Automagica Vision API This activity allows the bot to detect and click on an element by using the Automagica Vision API with a provided sample ID.
Detect and double click on an element with the Automagica Vision API This activity allows the bot to detect and double click on an element by using the Automagica Vision API with a provided sample ID.
Detect and right click on an element with the Automagica Vision API This activity allows the bot to detect and right click on an element by using the Automagica Vision API with a provided sample ID.
Detect and click on an element with the Automagica Vision API This activity allows the bot to detect and click on an element by using the Automagica Vision API with a provided sample ID.
Detect and click on an element with the Automagica Vision API This activity allows the bot to detect and click on an element by using the Automagica Vision API with a provided sample ID.
Detect and click on an element with the Automagica Vision API This activity allows the bot to detect and click on an element by using the Automagica Vision API with a provided sample ID.


Under the hood, Automagica is built on some of the greatest open source libraries. Within Automagica, the following libraries are currently included:

Special contributor mentions

A special thanks goes out to all the above-mentioned libraries, repositories and contributers! ❀️


Open Source RPA πŸ€– Robotic Process Automation




Language:Python 96.4%Language:JavaScript 2.4%Language:CSS 0.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%