yunlongz / mo

mo(re) but no (re)peat

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Yet another mini JavaScript loader and dependency manager. Browser Support

not test yet.


<script src="mo.js"></script>

then you could write code like this:

mo('boot.js', function () {
	//boot.js is ready


;(function(l,o,a,d,i,n,g){if(l[a])return;g=function(){l[a][a].push(arguments);return l[a]};g[a]=[];l[a]=g;g=o.createElement('script');g.src=n;n=o[i]||o[d](i)[0];i=o[d]('base')[0];i?n.insertBefore(g,i):n.appendChild(g);})(this,document,'mo','getElementsByTagName','head','mo.js');
mo('boot.js', function () {
	//boot.js is ready

loads as non-blocking, and ALL js files load asynchronously

mo('pv/pvsurvey201101302039.js', '//', function () {
    _ximg = ['www.gif'];
//when domready
mo(function() {
	// use your plugin :)

Exhaustive list of ways to use mo.js

mo('foo.js', function() {
	// foo.js is ready

mo('foo.js', 'bar.js', function() {
	// foo.js & bar.js is ready

mo({foo: 'foo.js', bar: 'bar.js'});
mo('foo', function() {
	// foo.js is ready
})('bar', function() {
	// bar.js is ready

mo({foo: 'foo.js', bar: {url:'bar.js', deps: 'foo'});
mo('bar', function() {
	// foo.js is ready
	// bar.js is ready

//set baseUrl for all relative path
mo('lib/moo.js', function () {
	// is ready


mo(re) but no (re)peat