yumin-jung / angry-birds

Angry Birds with p5.js and matter.js ๐Ÿฅ

Home Page:https://angry-birds-beta.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Local Development ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป

git clone git@github.com:yumin-jung/angry-birds.git
cd angry-birds
npm i
npm run dev

Concept of the Game ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Angry Birds

Angry Birds is a action-based video game created by Rovio Entertainment.

The game series focuses on a flock of birds who try to save their eggs from green pigs.

Description of the Game ๐ŸŽฎ

Characters and Ability


Red Chuck Bomb Hal
Cute Speed Up Bigger Size Boomerang


Minion Corporal King
The Smallest Size Medium Size The Biggest Size

Game Mechanics and Interfaces

  • Home Screen

    • When user clicks screen, character of Angry Bird randomly falls from the sky.
    • User can move the characters on the screen by dragging.
    • When click the play button, user go to Stage Select Screen
  • Stage Select Screen

    • The characters created on the Home Screen remain in the background.
    • User can enjoy them with clicks and drags like Home Screen.
    • When click the stage button, user go to corresponding Stage Screen.
  • Stage Screen

    • A slingshot and a bird are on the left side of the stage screen.
    • User can fire the bird by dragging slingshot back.
    • User must adjust the angle to get the pig out of the screen.
    • Remaining birds are displayed on the left side and are reduced one by one when the birds are fired.
    • To use each bird's ability, user have to press the space bar.

    • If the pig goes out of the screen, user get score.
    • When user press the pause button, user go to corresponding Pause Screen.

    • When the user records the highest score, the highest score appears on the stage Select Screen.
  • Pause Screen

    • There are four buttons.
      • Play button
      • Restart button
      • Home button
      • Stage select button
    • Users cannot click on the game screen and must select one of the four buttons.
    • When user press the button, go to the corresponding screen.

Organization of code ๐Ÿ“š


This is UML of my implementation.

Main Functions and Classes


  • Functions in main.js

    • getStage()
      • Add composites of stage and firing events
    • resetStage()
      • Reset stage and change state of stageName
    • firingEvents()
      • Check firing events
    • setup() and draw()
      • Using loop() and noLoop() function from p5.js library
      • Used to make the user feel like the screen is switching.
  • Functions in stage classes

    • getComposites()
      • Return composites of stage
    • updateScore()
      • Transmit remaining birds and scores to the ScoreDisplay class.
    • firing()
      • When the bird is fired, place the new bird on the slingshot.
  • Functions in bird classes

    • ability()
      • Activate the ability of a bird


  • Molecules classes (Bird, Box, Elastic, Ground, Pig)

    • Base class of specific character
  • Stage Classes (TutorialStage, PyramidStage, TwoPyramidStage, BoomerangStage)

    • Add the bodies corresponding to each stage to the canvas
    • Manage the bird firing process
    • Manage scoring system with ScoreDisplay class
  • ScoreDisplay

    • Receiving a score from the stage
    • Display high record on the game screen

Design Pattern

Atomic Design Pattern

  • Atomic design pattern helps to build consistent, solid and reusable design systems.
  • Advantages when developed according to the atomic design pattern.
    • Increase the productivity of development.
    • Reduce error and error-prone code.

Observer Design Pattern

  • Scores were exchanged between score display and stage
  • Make the code more simple.
  • Different parts of code speak to each other.

Factory Design Pattern

  • Each stage was constructed using the factory design pattern.
  • When the stage was restarted, implementation through the factory design pattern was able to make the code more concise.

Class and Module

  • All characters and structures of the game were implemented as classes.
  • Make available to use each other by importing or exporting them through modules.
  • Different parts of code speak to each other.

Main Challenge โญ๏ธ

The main challenge of the project is,

Implementing slingshot same as the actual Angry Birds'

Therefore, I using some of the methods of Matter.js library for implementation.

Appearance part

Make slingshot look more like real Angry Birds'!

  • Image of slingshot used in real Angry bird should be used in the render canvas of this game.
    • --> But, bodies are affected by each other in Matter.js render canvas.
    • --> Therefore, solved by making the actual body size smaller and only the size of the render image larger.
  • Make left and right elastic band of slinghot by Constraint method of Matter.js
    • In addition, adjust color and thickness of the elastic band look more like real Angry Birds'.

      // Elastic class
      class Elastic extends Body {
        constructor(x, y, bird) {
            this.bird = bird;
            const options = {
                pointA: {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
                bodyB: this.bird,
                stiffness: 0.05,
                render: {
                    type: "line",
                    strokeStyle: '#120E0A',
                    lineWidth: 8
            this.body = Matter.Constraint.create(options);

Functional part

Make slingshot function more like real Angry Birds'!

  • Function of a bird to fire from a slingshot
    • Firing birds with using position of the bird that the user dragging

      // Events detector in firingEvents function
      Events.on(mouseConstraint, 'enddrag', function (event) {
          stage.flyingBird = stage.bird;
          stage.slingshot.elastic1.body.render.visible = false;
          stage.slingshot.elastic2.body.render.visible = false;
          if (event.body == stage.bird.body) {
              firing = true;
              stage.remaingBirds -= 1;
      Events.on(engine, 'afterUpdate', function () {
          if (firing && Math.abs(stage.bird.body.position.x - BIRD_X) < 20
              && Math.abs(stage.bird.body.position.y - BIRD_Y) < 20
              && stage.remainingBirds > 0) {
              firing = false;
    • Check the bird has been fired and connect the new bird to the slingshot.

      // firing function in TutorialStage class
      firing(world) {
          this.remainingBirds -= 1;
          if (this.remainingBirds == 0) {
              slingshot.elastic1.body.bodyB = null;
              slingshot.elastic2.body.bodyB = null;
              Composite.remove(world, slingshot.getLeftElastic());
              Composite.remove(world, slingshot.getRightElastic());
          } else {
              let newBird = new RedBird(BIRD_X, BIRD_Y, 20);
              this.bird = newBird;
              bird = this.bird;
              Composite.add(world, bird.getBody());
              slingshot.elastic1.body.bodyB = bird.getBody();
              slingshot.elastic2.body.bodyB = bird.getBody();

Issue and Known Bug ๐Ÿž

  • When user drags a bird from a slingshot, it does not support mouse event outside of the render canvas.

Reference ๐ŸŒฟ


Angry Birds with p5.js and matter.js ๐Ÿฅ



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