yukitsuji / 3D_CNN_tensorflow

KITTI data processing and 3D CNN for Vehicle Detection

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Visualizing input_velodyne.py output ?

OneManArmy93 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I re implemented input_velodyne.py, but I don't know what to expect as output or how to visualize it (because im using it to voxelize the poind cloud data and try to see the result without ROS)
Can anyone be can enough to shed some light on this issue of mine?
Much appreciated!

this is how i managed to visualize the output:

fig = mayavi.mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(1500,1000))
col = pc[:,2]
mayavi.mlab.points3d(-bbox[:,0],bbox[:,1],bbox[:,2],mode='2dsquare' ,colormap='terrain',scale_factor=5,figure=fig)