yukitsuji / 3D_CNN_tensorflow

KITTI data processing and 3D CNN for Vehicle Detection

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Functions Understanding

OneManArmy93 opened this issue · comments

Im trying to re implement the volxelization process as I need it later on. But I'm having hard time understanding some function as I'm new to Python.
I hope someone could be kind enough to walk me through them and explain what do they do exactly. These are the function:

def filter_camera_angle(places):
def create_publish_obj(obj, places, rotates, size):
def publish_pc2(pc, obj):
center_to_sphere(places, size, resolution=0.50, min_value=np.array([0., -50., -4.5]), scale=4, x=(0, 90), y=(-50, 50), z=(-4.5, 5.5)):
def sphere_to_center(p_sphere, resolution=0.5, scale=4, min_value=np.array([0., -50., -4.5])):
def voxel_to_corner(corner_vox, resolution, center):#TODO
def corner_to_train(corners, sphere_center, resolution=0.50, x=(0, 90), y=(-50, 50), z=(-4.5, 5.5), scale=4, min_value=np.array([0., -50., -4.5])):
def corner_to_voxel(voxel_shape, corners, sphere_center, scale=4):

Much appreciated!

1: tries to filter out the pointcloud which are outside the camera field of view. As labels for the vehicles are available in that area only.
2: It is used to create ROS (Robot Operating System) message. Here it is used to visualize the pointcloud. but you can skip this step to avoid complexity and use some simple visualizer.
Other functions are used for target representaion.
First the kitti targets are converted to a format which can be used by neural netwrok for training.
Once the architecture gives an output the output from the network is then converted back to realworld coordinate system. The target is binary, if there is a vehicle then the voxel at the center position of vehicle will be 1 other wise all other voxels will be zero. There is one visual explaination of the target representation.

@ansabsheikh9 thank you for the insight.
howerver, in the function def voxel_to_corner(corner_vox, resolution, center) I couldnt find the parameter corner_vox or what it represents, also i could find the function itself to be used.
Any idea about that?
Thank you

@ansabsheikh9 Hi are you there? I'm in a bit of jam here and i need your help. Thank you for responding :)