yukitsuji / 3D_CNN_tensorflow

KITTI data processing and 3D CNN for Vehicle Detection

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bird-view projection

toby147642 opened this issue · comments

I have confirmed code again and again, and couldn't find the projection of object. But there are images which project the object to the bird view.
May I ask how to write the bird-view projection's code?
Thanks a lot!

There is no image in this project.
Visualization in this project used RViz and ROS.

If you want to write bird-view projection's code,

  1. only remove z axis information (Bird view need not to use height information)
  2. Save as image using opencv

Thank you for your answer.
But I still cannot figure out how to use ROS to complete the visualization.
Is the visualization code in input_velodyne.py and use the function publish_pc2?
The visualization code is also supposed to be written by myself, is that right?
Your answer may help me a lot, thx!

If you install ros and Rviz, You can use the code to visualize,
Or you can use matplotlib to visualize bird's eye view. Like
plt.scatter(*pc.T[:, 2], s=0.1, marker='.') Only removing the z axis as suggested by @yukitsuji

Okay, I will try it.