yukitsuji / 3D_CNN_tensorflow

KITTI data processing and 3D CNN for Vehicle Detection

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Why do we invert the matrices in the proj_to_velo function in input_velodyne.py

MeghaMaheshwari opened this issue · comments

Why do we invert the matrices in the proj_to_velo function in input_velodyne.py

Hi, In kitti raw dataset we have labels in left camera frame. so we need a transformation from camera frame to velodyne frame.

Thanks. Could you also clarify, which angle from the bin file are you trying to take in the function
def filter_camera_angle(places):
"""Filter camera angles for KiTTI Datasets"""
bool_in = np.logical_and((places[:, 1] < places[:, 0] - 0.27), (-places[:, 1] < places[:, 0] - 0.27))
# bool_in = np.logical_and((places[:, 1] < places[:, 0]), (-places[:, 1] < places[:, 0]))
return places[bool_in]
and why are you restricting to this field. Is it because you want to align it to the left camera angle?

yes it is filtering out the points which are outside the camera view angle