yuin / mellowdown

An extensible markdown processor with visualization supports(PlantUML, PowerPoint etc...)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An extensible markdown processor with visualization supports(PlantUML, PowerPoint etc...)


Just download an executable file from releases, or

go get -u github.com/yuin/mellowdown/cmd/mellowdown


  -addr string
        address like localhost:8000, this enables livereloading
  -file string
        Markdown file(Required)
  -format string
        Output format(html or pdf) (default "html")
  -lua string
        comma separeted lua renderers
  -out string
        Output Directory(Optional)
  -plantuml string
        PlantUML executable file path(Optional). If this value is empty, PLANTUML_PATH envvar value will be used as an executable file path (default "plantuml")
  -style string
        Style (Optional, available styles:github) (default "github")
  -syntax-highlight string
        Syntax Highlightinging Style (Optional, available styles:abap,algol,algol_nu,arduino,autumn,borland,bw,colorful,dracula,emacs,friendly,fruity,github,igor,lovelace,manni,monokai,monokailight,murphy,native,paraiso-dark,paraiso-light,pastie,perldoc,pygments,rainbow_dash,rrt,solarized-dark,solarized-dark256,solarized-light,swapoff,tango,trac,vim,vs,xcode) (default "monokailight")
  -wkhtmltopdf string
        Wkhtmltopdf executable file path(Optional). If this value is empty, WKHTMLTOPDF_PATH envvar value will be used as an executable file path

Convert a markdown file to an html file

mellowdown render -file input.md

Convert a markdown file to a pdf file


mellowdown render -file input.md -format pdf

Watch markdown files in the current directory

mellowdown render -addr ":8000"

Open *.html in your browser and edit markdown files, mellowdown will automatically convert markdown files and live reload the browser.

Embed shapes in a PowerPoint file into an html file

file: images.pptx
shape: image1
  • file is a PowerPoint file path relative to the markdown file.
  • shape is a Alt Text of the shape.



actor Promoter
actor Entrant

Promoter --> (Create Event)
Promoter -> (Attend Event)

Entrant --> (Find Event)
(Attend Event) <- Entrant

(Attend Event) <.. (Create Member)  : <<include>>


Sample PlantUML launcher for windows

@echo off
set PLANTUML_JAR=%~dp0plantuml.jar

java -jar %PLANTUML_JAR% -charset UTF-8 %*


An extensible markdown processor with visualization supports(PlantUML, PowerPoint etc...)


Language:Go 88.4%Language:Shell 10.6%Language:Lua 1.0%