yuhaoju / envoy-node

This is a boilerplate to help you adopt Envoy.

Home Page:https://tubitv.github.io/envoy-node/

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Envoy Node

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This is a boilerplate to help you adopt Envoy.

There are multiple ways to config Envoy, one of the convenience way to mange different egress traffic is route the traffic by hostname (using virtual hosts). By doing so, you can use one egress port for all your egress dependencies:

  - name: egress_listener
        port_value: 12345
    - filters:
      - name: envoy.http_connection_manager
          "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager
          codec_type: AUTO
          stat_prefix: ingress
          use_remote_address: true
          stat_prefix: http.test.egress
            name: egress_route_config
            - name: foo_service
              - foo.service:8888  # Do not miss the port number here
              - match:
                  prefix: /
                  cluster: remote_foo_server
            - name: bar_service
              - bar.service:8888  # Do not miss the port number here
              - match:
                  prefix: /
                  cluster: remote_bar_server
          - name: envoy.router
              "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.router.v3.Router
              dynamic_stats: true

But it will bring you new problem, your code is becoming verbose:

  1. routing traffic to where egress port is listening
  2. setting host headers for each request
  3. propagating the tracing information

And this library is going to help you deal with these things elegantly.

First, let's tell the library where the egress port is binding. A recommended way is to set the information on the ingress header by request_headers_to_add:

- header:
    key: x-tubi-envoy-egress-port
    value: "12345"
- header:
    key: x-tubi-envoy-egress-addr

You can also set this by the constructor parameters of EnvoyContext.

High level APIs


For HTTP, you can new the client like this:

const { EnvoyHttpClient, HttpRetryOn } = require("envoy-node");

async function awesomeAPI(req, res) {
  const client = new EnvoyHttpClient(req.headers);
  const url = `http://foo.service:10080/path/to/rpc`
  const request = {
    message: "ping",
  const optionalParams = {
    // timeout 1 second
    timeout: 1000,
    // envoy will retry if server return HTTP 409 (for now)
    retryOn: [HttpRetryOn.RETRIABLE_4XX],
    // retry 3 times at most
    maxRetries: 3,
    // each retry will timeout in 300 ms
    perTryTimeout: 300,
    // any other headers you want to set
    headers: {
      "x-extra-header-you-want": "value",
  const serializedJsonResponse = await client.post(url, request, optionalParams);
  res.send({ serializedJsonResponse });


For gRPC, you can new the client like this:

General RPC

const grpc = require("grpc");
const { envoyProtoDecorator, GrpcRetryOn } = require("envoy-node");

const PROTO_PATH = __dirname + "/ping.proto";
const Ping = grpc.load(PROTO_PATH).test.Ping;

// the original client will be decorated as a new class
const PingClient = envoyProtoDecorator(Ping);

async function awesomeAPI(call, callback) {
  const client = new PingClient("bar.service:10081", call.metadata);
  const request = {
    message: "ping",
  const optionalParams = {
    // timeout 1 second
    timeout: 1000,
    // envoy will retry if server return DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
    retryOn: [GrpcRetryOn.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED],
    // retry 3 times at most
    maxRetries: 3,
    // each retry will timeout in 300 ms
    perTryTimeout: 300,
    // any other headers you want to set
    headers: {
      "x-extra-header-you-want": "value",
  const response = await client.pathToRpc(request, optionalParams);
  callback(undefined, { remoteResponse: response });

Streaming API

But they are also decorated to send the Envoy context. You can also specify the optional params (the last one) for features like timeout / retryOn / maxRetries / perTryTimeout provided by Envoy.


  1. For streaming API, they are not implemented as async signature.
  2. The optional params (timeout etc.) is not tested and Envoy is not documented how it deal with streaming.
Client streaming
const stream = innerClient.clientStream((err, response) => {
  if (err) {
    // error handling
  console.log("server responses:", response);
stream.write({ message: "ping" });
stream.write({ message: "ping again" });
Sever streaming
const stream = innerClient.serverStream({ message: "ping" });
stream.on("error", error => {
  // handle error here
stream.on("data", (data: any) => {
  console.log("server sent:", data);
stream.on("end", () => {
  // ended
Bidirectional streaming
const stream = innerClient.bidiStream();
stream.write({ message: "ping" });
stream.write({ message: "ping again" });
stream.on("error", error => {
  // handle error here
stream.on("data", (data: any) => {
  console.log("sever sent:", data);
stream.on("end", () => {

Low level APIs

If you want to have more control of your code, you can also use the low level APIs of this library:

const { envoyFetch, EnvoyContext, EnvoyHttpRequestParams, EnvoyGrpcRequestParams, envoyRequestParamsRefiner } = require("envoy-node");

// ...

const context = new EnvoyContext(
  // specify port if we cannot indicate from
  // - `x-tubi-envoy-egress-port` header or
  // - environment variable ENVOY_DEFAULT_EGRESS_PORT
  // specify address if we cannot indicate from
  // - `x-tubi-envoy-egress-addr` header or
  // - environment variable ENVOY_DEFAULT_EGRESS_ADDR

// for HTTP
const params = new EnvoyHttpRequestParams(context, optionalParams);
envoyFetch(params, url, init /* init like original node-fetch */)
  .then(res => {
    console.log("envoy tells:", res.overloaded, res.upstreamServiceTime);
    return res.json(); // or res.text(), just use it as what node-fetch returned
  .then(/* ... */)

// you are using request?
const yourOldRequestParams = {}; /* url or options */
request(envoyRequestParamsRefiner(yourOldRequestParams, context /* or headers, grpc.Metadata */ ))

// for gRPC
const client = new Ping((
  `${context.envoyEgressAddr}:${context.envoyEgressPort}`, // envoy egress port
const requestMetadata = params.assembleRequestMeta()
    host: "bar.service:10081"
  (error, response) => {
    // ...

Check out the detail document if needed.

Context store

Are you finding it's too painful for you to propagate the context information through function calls' parameter?

If you are using Node.js V8, here is a solution for you:

import { envoyContextStore } from "envoy-node"; // import the store

envoyContextStore.enable(); // put this code when you application init

// for each request, call this:
  envoyContextStore.set(new EnvoyContext(req.headers));

// for later get the request, simply:


  1. according to the implementation, it's strictly requiring the set method is called exactly once per request. Or you will get incorrect context. Please check the document for more details. (TBD: We are working on a blog post for the details.)
  2. according to asyn_hooks implementation, destroy is not called if the code is using HTTP keep alive. Please use setEliminateInterval to set a time for deleting old context data or you may have memory leak. The default (5 mintues) is using if you don't set it.

For dev and test, or migrating to Envoy

If you are developing the application, you may probably do not have Envoy running. You may want to call the service directly:


new EnvoyContext({
  meta: grpcMetadata_Or_HttpHeader,

   * For dev or test environment, we usually don't have Envoy running. By setting directMode = true
   * will make all the traffic being sent directly.
   * If you set directMode to true, envoyManagedHosts will be ignored and set to an empty set.
  directMode: true,

   * For easier migrate service to envoy step by step, we can route traffic to envoy for those service
   * migrated. Fill this set for the migrated service.
   * This field is default to `undefined` which means all traffic will be route to envoy.
   * If this field is set to `undefined`, this library will also try to read it from `x-tubi-envoy-managed-host`.
   * You can set in envoy config, like this: 
   * ``yaml
   * request_headers_to_add:
   * - key: x-tubi-envoy-managed-host
   *   value: hostname:12345
   * - key: x-tubi-envoy-managed-host
   *   value: foo.bar:8080
   * ``
   * If you set this to be an empty set, then no traffic will be route to envoy.
  envoyManagedHosts: new Set(["some-hostname:8080"]);



export ENVOY_DIRECT_MODE=true # 1 works as well


For developing or running test of this library, you probably need to:

  1. have an envoy binary in your PATH, or:
$ npm run download-envoy
$ export PATH=./node_modules/.bin/:$PATH
  1. to commit your code change:
$ git add . # or the things you want to commit
$ npm run commit # and answer the commit message accordingly
  1. for each commit, the CI will auto release base on commit messages, to allow keeping the version align with Envoy, let's use fix instead of feature unless we want to upgrade minor version.





This is a boilerplate to help you adopt Envoy.


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%