yugabyte / yugabyte-operator

Kubernetes Operator for YugabyteDB (legacy)

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NOTE: This repository contains code and example Custom Resources for the Kubernetes Operator (legacy) for YugabyteDB v0.0.1. This operator is no longer maintained. We recommend using the actively maintained helm charts for YugabyteDB to install yugabyte on Kubernetes.

YugabyteDB Kubernetes Operator

Deploy and manage YugabyteDB cluster as a kubernetes native custom resource viz. ybclusters.yugabyte.com.

Deploy a YugabyteDB cluster with this operator

To create a YugabyteDB cluster, first we need to register the custom resource that would represent YugabyteDB cluster: ybclusters.yugabyte.com.

kubectl create -f deploy/crds/yugabyte.com_ybclusters_crd.yaml

Setup RBAC for operator and create the operator itself. Run the following command, from root of the repository, to do the same.

kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml

After a few seconds the operator should be up & running. Verify the operator status by running below command.

kubectl -n yb-operator get po,deployment

Register the custom resource that would represent YugabyteDB cluster, i.e. ybclusters.yugabyte.com.

kubectl create -f deploy/crds/yugabyte.com_ybclusters_crd.yaml

Finally create an instance of the custom resource with which the operator would create a YugabyteDB cluster. The sample manifest has following content,

apiVersion: yugabyte.com/v1alpha1
kind: YBCluster
  name: example-ybcluster
  namespace: yb-operator
  replicationFactor: 3
  domain: cluster.local
    replicas: 3
      size: 1Gi
    replicas: 3
      count: 1
      size: 1Gi
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/yugabyte.com_v1alpha1_ybcluster_cr.yaml

Verify that the cluster is up and running with below command. You should see 3 pods each for YB-Master & YB-TServer.

kubectl get po,sts,svc

Once the cluster is up and running, you may start the postgres-compatible ysql api & start executing relational queries.

kubectl exec -it yb-tserver-0 /home/yugabyte/bin/ysqlsh -- -h yb-tserver-0 --echo-queries

You may choose to start cassandra-compatible ycql api and start storing data in NoSql format.

kubectl exec -it yb-tserver-0 /home/yugabyte/bin/cqlsh yb-tserver-0

You can read more about ysql and ycql apis in YugabyteDB documentation

Configuration options


Mention YugabyteDB docker image attributes such as repository, tag and pullPolicy under image.

Replication Factor

Specify the required data replication factor. This is a required field.


Master & TServer are two essential components of a YugabyteDB cluster. Master is responsible for recording and maintaining system metadata & for admin activities. TServers are mainly responsible for data I/O. Specify Master/TServer specific attributes under master/tserver. The valid attributes are as described below. These two are required fields.


Specify count of pods for master & tserver under replicas field. This is a required field.

Network Ports

Control network configuration for Master & TServer, each of which support only a selected port attributes. Below table depicts the supported port attributes. Note that these are optional fields, except tserver.tserverUIPort, hence below table also mentions default values for each port. Default network configuration will be used, if any or all of the acceptable fields are absent.

A ClusterIP service will be created when tserver.tserverUIPort port is specified. If it is not specified, only StatefulSet & headless service will be created for TServer. ClusterIP service creation will be skipped. Whereas for Master, all 3 kubernetes objects will always be created.

If master.enableLoadBalancer is set to true, then master UI service will be of type LoadBalancer. TServer UI service will be of type LoadBalancer, if tserver.tserverUIPort is specified and tserver.enableLoadBalancer is set to true. tserver.enableLoadBalancer will be ignored if tserver.tserverUIPort is not specified.

Table depicting acceptable port names, applicable component (Master/TServer) and port default values:

Attribute Component Default Value
masterUIPort Master 7000
masterRPCPort Master 7100
tserverUIPort TServer NA
tserverRPCPort TServer 9100
ycqlPort TServer 9042
yedisPort TServer 6379
ysqlPort TServer 5433


Specify pod management policy for statefulsets created as part of YugabyteDB cluster. Valid values are Parallel & OrderedReady, Parallel being the default value.


Specify storage configurations viz. Storage count, size & storageClass of volumes. Typically 1 volume per Master instance is sufficient, hence Master has a default storage count of 1. If storage class isn't specified, it will be defaulted to standard. Make sure kubernetes admin has defined standard storage class, before leaving this field out.


Specify resource requests & limits under resources attribute. The resources to be specified are cpu & memory. The resource property in itself is optional & it won't be applied to created StatefulSets, if omitted. You may also choose to specify either resource.requests or resource.limits or both.


Specify list of GFlags for additional control on YugabyteDB cluster. Refer Master Config Flags & TServer Config Flags for list of supported flags.

If you have enabled TLS encryption, then you can set:

  • use_node_to_node_encryption flag to enable node to node encryption
  • allow_insecure_connections flag to specify if insecure connections are allowed when tls is enabled
  • use_client_to_server_encryption flag to enable client to node encryption


Kubernetes Operator for YugabyteDB (legacy)


Language:Go 96.6%Language:Shell 2.0%Language:Python 1.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%