yuesth / cw721-rewards

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Cw721 Rewards

This is a modified version of cw721 NFT contract. It implements archway-bindings to withdraw reward per token basis. The calculation for each token reward distribution is as follows,

token_reward(token_id) = total_rewards / max_supply - claimed_rewards(token_id)


This contract implements cw721 with added functionality, to deploy please provide the token_uri and max_supply to the instantiate command.

'{"name":"Test Collection","symbol":"NFTEST","token_uri":"ipfs://QmejYa4kkcnCjDiZwy2YnNCY2CBBYnnxDV3V2F1Eh77iya/1.json","max_supply":777}'

After instantiating, set the contract metadata for Archway reward distribution (note: you can assign any other contract to the nft contract address for more rewards)

archwayd tx rewards set-contract-metadata $CONTRACT_ADDRESS --gas auto --gas-prices 0.05uconst --gas-adjustment 1.4 --from $DEPLOYER --chain-id "constantine-2" --node "https://rpc.constantine-2.archway.tech:443" --broadcast-mode sync --output json -y --owner-address $CONTRACT_ADDRESS --rewards-address $CONTRACT_ADDRESS

Anyone can mint (freemint) the nft using the mint message,

archwayd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"mint":{"extension":{}}}' --from prime --chain-id "constantine-2" --node "https://rpc.constantine-2.archway.tech:443" --output json -y --gas auto --gas-prices 0.05uconst --gas-adjustment 1.4

After couple of txs, any account can trigger the reward withdrawal with withdraw_rewards

archwayd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"withdraw_rewards":{}}' --from prime --chain-id "constantine-2" --node "https://rpc.constantine-2.archway.tech:443" --output json -y --gas auto --gas-prices 0.05uconst --gas-adjustment 1.4

This distribute the reward to all tokens equally, as you can see with total_arch_reward

archway query contract-state smart --args '{"total_arch_reward":{"token_id":"1"}}'

Token owner can withdraw the reward available with withdraw_token_rewards,

archwayd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"withdraw_token_rewards":{"token_id":"1"}}' --from prime --chain-id "constantine-2" --node "https://rpc.constantine-2.archway.tech:443" --output json -y --gas auto --gas-prices 0.05uconst --gas-adjustment 1.4

Running this contract

You will need Rust 1.65+ with wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed.

You can run unit tests on this via:

cargo test

Once you are happy with the content, you can compile it to wasm via:

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo wasm
cp ../../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/cw721_base.wasm .
ls -l cw721_base.wasm
sha256sum cw721_base.wasm

Or for a production-ready (optimized) build, run a build command in the repository root: https://github.com/CosmWasm/cw-plus#compiling.

Importing this contract

You can also import much of the logic of this contract to build another CW721-compliant contract, such as tradable names, crypto kitties, or tokenized real estate.

Basically, you just need to write your handle function and import cw721_base::contract::handle_transfer, etc and dispatch to them. This allows you to use custom ExecuteMsg and QueryMsg with your additional calls, but then use the underlying implementation for the standard cw721 messages you want to support. The same with QueryMsg. You will most likely want to write a custom, domain-specific instantiate.

TODO: add example when written

For now, you can look at cw721-staking for an example of how to "inherit" cw721 functionality and combine it with custom logic. The process is similar for cw721.



Language:Rust 83.2%Language:TypeScript 16.8%