yudhvirsinghr / handwritten_character_recognition

Handwritten character recognition using Keras and convolutional neuaral networks

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Handwritten character recognition using Keras and convolutional neuaral networks


A demonstration of the capability of deep learning techniques to recognize handwritten characters using convolution neural networks in python using Keras. In this we are gonna:

  1. Load the MNIST dataset in Keras
  2. Develop and run the neural network model
  3. Implement Simple convolutional Neural Netwrok


  1. Python
  2. Tensorflow
  3. Keras


pip3 install tensorflow
pip3 install keras

Running the code

  1. Run load_data.py using python to download the MNIST dataset which is stored at ~/.keras/datasets/mnist.pkl.gz
  2. After running the code you will see something like below
  3. Run the train.py to train the MNIST dataset using Keras.
  4. Run the convolution.py to train the MNIST dataset using Convolutional Nueral Network


Handwritten character recognition using Keras and convolutional neuaral networks


Language:Python 100.0%