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How to use Maven and JIB to build container images using Azure supported Java and push to Azure Container Registry

This tutorial walks you through how to build a containerized Java app with Azure supported JDK and push it to Azure Container Registry with ACR Docker credential helper and Maven Jit plugin.


  • An Azure subscription; if you don't already have an Azure subscription, you can activate your [MSDN subscriber benefits] or sign up for a [free Azure account].
  • The [Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI)].
  • A supported Java Development Kit (JDK). For more information about the JDKs available for use when developing on Azure, see https://aka.ms/azure-jdks.
  • Apache's [Maven] build tool (Version 3 or above).
  • A [Git] client.
  • A [Docker] client.

Create the Spring Boot on Docker Getting Started web app

The following steps walk you through building a Spring Boot web application and testing it locally.

  1. Open a command-prompt and create a local directory to hold your application, and change to that directory; for example:

    md C:\SpringBoot
    cd C:\SpringBoot

    -- or --

    md /users/robert/SpringBoot
    cd /users/robert/SpringBoot
  2. Clone the [Spring Boot on Docker Getting Started] sample project into the directory.

    git clone https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-spring-boot-docker.git
  3. Change directory to the completed project.

    cd gs-spring-boot-docker/complete
    cd complete
  4. Use Maven to build and run the sample app.

    mvn package spring-boot:run
  5. Test the web app by browsing to http://localhost:8080, or with the following curl command:

    curl http://localhost:8080

You should see the following message displayed: Hello Docker World

Create an Azure Container Registry using the Azure CLI

  1. Open a command prompt and log in to your Azure account with Azure CLI:

    az login
  2. Choose your Azure Subscription:

    az account set -s <YourSubscriptionID>
  3. Create a resource group for the Azure resources used in this tutorial.

    az group create --name=acr-rg --location=eastus
  4. Create a private Azure container registry in the resource group. The tutorial pushes the sample app as a Docker image to this registry in later steps. Replace myacr with a unique name for your registry.

    az acr create --resource-group acr-rg --location eastus \
     --name myacr --sku Basic

Push your app to the container registry via Jib

  1. Install the ACR Docker credential helper with the following script.

    iex ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://aka.ms/acr/installaad/win).Content))


    curl -L https://aka.ms/acr/installaad/bash | /bin/bash
  2. Log in to your Azure Container Registry from the Azure CLI.

    # set the default name for Azure Container Registry, otherwise you will need to specify the name in "az acr login"
    az configure --defaults acr=myacr
    az acr login
  3. Navigate to the completed project directory for your Spring Boot application (for example, "C:\SpringBoot\gs-spring-boot-docker\complete" or "/users/robert/SpringBoot/gs-spring-boot-docker/complete"), and open the pom.xml file with a text editor.

  4. Update the <properties> collection in the pom.xml file with the registry name for your Azure Container Registry and the latest version of jib-maven-plugin.

  5. Update the <plugins> collection in the pom.xml file so that the <plugin> contains the jib-maven-plugin. Note that we are using a base image from MCR: mcr.microsoft.com/java/jdk:8u212-zulu-alpine, which contains an officially supported JDK for Azure.

  6. Navigate to the completed project directory for your Spring Boot application and run the following command to build the image and push the image to the registry:

    mvn compile jib:build


Due to the security concern of Azure Cli and Azure Container Registry, the credential created by az acr login is valid for 1 hour, if you meet 401 Unauthorized error, you can run the az acr login -n <your registry name> command again to reauthenticate.

Verify your container image

Congratulations! Now you have your containerized Java App build on Azure supported JDK pushed to your ACR. You can now test the image by deploying it to Azure App Service, or pulling it to local with command:

docker pull yuchenacr.azurecr.io/gs-spring-boot-docker:latest
