yuanshuoastro / lookup_table_fortran

Linear lookup table implemented in modern Fortran

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Lookup table

A lookup table is an array that replaces runtime computation with a simpler array indexing operation. The savings in terms of processing time can be significant, since retrieving a value from memory is often faster than undergoing an "expensive" computation or input/output operation.

The lookup table type

The package lookup_table can easily be used in program environments where the use of lookup tables makes sense. The tables may be precalculated and stored in a lookup_table_t type defined as

!> The lookup table type. There can be one or more columns, for which values
!> can be looked up for a given 'x-coordinate'.
type lookup_table_t
   integer  :: n_rows !< The number of rows
   integer  :: n_cols !< The number of columns
   real(dp) :: x_min  !< The minimum lookup coordinate
   real(dp) :: dx     !< The x-spacing in the lookup coordinate
   real(dp) :: inv_dx !< The inverse x-spacing

   ! The table is stored in two ways, to speed up different types of lookups.
   real(dp), allocatable :: cols_rows(:, :) !< The table in column-major order
   real(dp), allocatable :: rows_cols(:, :) !< The table in row-major order
end type lookup_table_t

Finding indices in a table

Besides the type lookup_table_t we need a way to find locations in the table, which can be used to speed up multiple lookups of different columns. Therefore, another type lt_loc_t is defined:

type LT_loc_t
   integer  :: low_ix   !< The x-value lies between low_ix and low_ix+1
   real(dp) :: low_frac !< The distance from low_ix (up to low_ix+1), given
                        !< as a real number between 0 and 1.
end type LT_loc_t

The values in the table are calculated once only as part of a program's initialization phase. Further, we need some subroutines for finding special indices in lookup tables. Such subroutines can be found in module m_find_index.f90

!> Linear search of sorted list for the smallest ix such that list(ix) >= val.
!> On failure, returns size(list)+1
function find_index_linear(list, val) result(ix)

!> Binary search of sorted list for the smallest ix such that list(ix) >= val.
!> On failure, returns size(list)+1
function find_index_bsearch(list, val) result(ix)

!> Adaptive search (combination of linear and binary search) of sorted list
!> for the smallest ix such that list(ix) >= val. On failure, returns
!> size(list)+1
function find_index_adaptive(list, val) result(ix)

Public methods

In order to optimize the use of the lookup tables, the following public functions and subroutines are presented in module m_lookup_table:

! Public methods
public :: LT_create           ! Create a new lookup table
public :: LT_get_xdata        ! Get the x-values of a table
public :: LT_get_spaced_data  ! Convert values to regularly spaced
public :: LT_set_col          ! Set one table column
public :: LT_add_to_col       ! Add to a table column
public :: LT_add_col          ! Add a column
public :: LT_get_loc          ! Get the index (row) of a value
public :: LT_get_col          ! Interpolate one column
public :: LT_get_mcol         ! Interpolate multiple columns
public :: LT_get_col_at_loc   ! Get one column at location
public :: LT_get_mcol_at_loc  ! Get multiple columns at location
public :: LT_get_num_rows
public :: LT_get_num_cols
public :: LT_get_data         ! Get all the data of the table
public :: LT_lin_interp_list  ! Linearly interpolate a list
public :: LT_to_file          ! Store lookup table in file
public :: LT_from_file        ! Restore lookup table from file


An example how to add data is shown in the test programs test_lookup_table_performance, test_find_index_performance, and test_find_index_simple.


Linear lookup table implemented in modern Fortran

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Fortran 97.3%Language:Makefile 2.7%