yuanhaol123 / cmu_mse_dissertation_template

A LaTeX template for PhD dissertations that conforms to the Electrical & Computer Engineering department at Carnegie Mellon University's requirements

Repository from Github https://github.comyuanhaol123/cmu_mse_dissertation_templateRepository from Github https://github.comyuanhaol123/cmu_mse_dissertation_template


MSE template adapted from ECE template.

A LaTeX template for PhD dissertations that conforms to the ECE department's requirements.

This is a template for a CMU ECE dissertation. It conforms to the requirements from ECE as of May 2013. Most importantly, the title page is formatted as per ECE standards and does not contain the list of committee members. The copyright notice appears on the third page (i.e., the second front-facing page). This template was modified from cmuthesis.cls, published by David Koes (www.cs.cmu.edu/~dkoes). The next comment block below is from the original cmuthesis.cls file.

%This is a template for a CMU thesis. It is 18 pages without any content :-) % The source for this is pulled from a variety of sources and people. % Here's a partial list of people who may or may have not contributed: % % bnoble = Brian Noble % caruana = Rich Caruana % colohan = Chris Colohan % jab = Justin Boyan % josullvn = Joseph O'Sullivan % jrs = Jonathan Shewchuk % kosak = Corey Kosak % mjz = Matt Zekauskas (mattz@cs) % pdinda = Peter Dinda % pfr = Patrick Riley % dkoes = David Koes % rajas = Raja Sambasivan

David Koes's mmain contribution was putting everything into a single class files and small template. I (Raja) updated the modified the template so as to make conform to ECE standards.

Feel free to modify the template as you wish and to contribute improvements back to this repository.


A LaTeX template for PhD dissertations that conforms to the Electrical & Computer Engineering department at Carnegie Mellon University's requirements

License:The Unlicense


Language:TeX 100.0%