This is a very basic mail tracking service which I developed for my personal use.
To see it working, visit mTracker
You can read about the project in my blog
- Visit the website
- Fill the form
Get the HTML code
Add the HTML code to your mail body HTML. This video will help you.
Send your email.
Now when the receiver opens your email, you will get an email
You are welcome to contribute to this repository. Get started with the following steps:
- clone the repo
git clone
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit the email address, password, SMPT address and port in the file
Now you are good to go. Run the main file
or python3
The flask app will run on localhost. Visit http://localhost:5000
Join our Telegram group via the link given below
There's a lot to do here. Everyone is welcome to make it better.
Make chrome extension that works for
Yahoo mail
Read the contributing guide
Join the Telegram group for support and contributing