yuanbohan / yacc-example

simple examples to illustrate how to use goyacc

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

goyacc examples

help you to understand how to use goyacc to write your own parser.


go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goyacc@latest


goyacc -h

Usage of goyacc:
  -l	disable line directives
  -o string
        parser output (default "y.go")
  -p string
        name prefix to use in generated code (default "yy")
  -v string
        create parsing tables (default "y.output")


  • write your lexer
// The parser uses the type <prefix>Lex as a lexer. It must provide
// the methods Lex(*<prefix>SymType) int and Error(string).

type <prefix>Lex struct {
    line []byte
    peek rune

// The parser calls this method to get each new token. This
// implementation returns operators and NUM.
func (x *yyLex) Lex(yylval *yySymType) int {

// The parser calls this method on a parse error.
func (x *yyLex) Error(s string) {
  • write your parser (*.y file)
  • generate parser (*.go file) by goyacc

parser Grammer (*.y file)

use Backus Naur Form (BNF)

  • %token

  • %type

the name in %type MUST be defined in %union, and %type connects the type defined in %union with symbols

  • %union

  • func (x *yyLex) Lex(yylval *yySymType) int {}

    • return. the type of the token. integer.
    • real value. stored in yylval
  • rule

$$: symbol on the left side of colon $1 $2 ...: symbol on the right side of colon { ... } : action invoked

|   expr '+' NUM {
        $$ = $1 + $3

$$ : expr (outer)
$1 : expr (inner)
$3 : NUM
  • final call
func yyParse(yylex yyLexer) int {
    return yyNewParser().Parse(yylex)

yylex is your lex struct which implemented the yyLexer interface

parser Example

    num int                // union will be a yySymType struct, and all fields in union will be copied into struct

%type   <num> top expr     // indicate parser to use num field (which is (yylval *yySymType) in goyacc)
%token  '+' '-' '*' '/'    // will not use yylval. Only indicate parser to use the token as ASCII code
%token  <num> NUM          // indicate parser to use yylval.num


    expr {
|   expr '+' NUM {
        $$ = $1 + $3
|   expr '-' NUM {
        $$ = $1 - $3
|   expr '*' NUM {
        $$ = $1 * $3
|   expr '/' NUM {
        $$ = $1 / $3




simple examples to illustrate how to use goyacc

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Yacc 99.7%Language:Go 0.3%