ytwas / SimpleDB

MIT 6.830

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Basic commands

0. Ant basics

Command Description
ant Build the default target (for simpledb, this is dist).
ant -projecthelp List all the targets in build.xml with descriptions.
ant dist Compile the code in src and package it in dist/simpledb.jar.
ant test Compile and run all the unit tests.
ant runtest -Dtest=testname Run the unit test named testname.
ant systemtest Compile and run all the system tests.
ant runsystest -Dtest=testname Compile and run the system test named testname.

1. Unit test

$ cd 6.830-lab
$ # run all unit tests
$ ant test
$ # run a specific unit test
$ ant runtest -Dtest=TupleTest

2. System test

$ ant systemtest
$ ant runsystest -Dtest=testname

3. Creating dummy tables

Create any .txt file and convert it to a .dat file in SimpleDB's HeapFile format

$ java -jar dist/simpledb.jar convert file.txt N

where file.txt is the name of the file and N is the number of columns in the file. Notice that file.txt has to be in the following format:

int1, int2, ..., intN
int1, int2, ..., intN
int1, int2, ..., intN
int1, int2, ..., intN

where each intN is a non-negative integer.

To view the content of a table, use the print command:

$ java -jar dist/simpledb.jar print file.dat N

where file.dat is the name of a table created with the convert command, and N is the number of columns in the file.

4. Query parser and contest

A query parser for SimpleDB that can use to write and run SQL queries against the database. The first step is to create some data tables and a catalog. Suppose a file data.txt with the following contents:

1, 10
2, 20
3, 30
4, 40

One can convert this into a SimpleDB table using the convert command (make sure to type ant first)

$ java -jar dist/simpledb.jar convert data.txt 2 "int, int"

This creates a file data.dat. Next, create a catalog file catalog.txt with the follow contents:

data (f1 int, f2 int)

where data is the table and the two integer fields are f1 and f2.

Finally, one can invoke the parser by running java from the command line (ant doesn't work properly with interactive targets).

$ java -jar dist/simpledb.jar parser catalog.txt

One can see the output like

$ Added table : data with schema int(f1), int(f2)
$ Computing table stats.
$ Done.
$ SimpleDB>

Finally, one can run query

SimpleDB> select d.f1, d.f2 from data d;
Started a new transaction tid = 1221852405823
ADDING TABLE d(data) TO tableMap
TABLE HAS tupleDesc INT(d.f1), INT(d.f2),
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
5 50

6 rows.
0.16 seconds


  • Every field name must be prefaced with its table name, even if the field name is unique. (One can use table name aliases, but not the As keyword)
  • Nested queries are supported in the WHERE clause, but not the FROM clause.
  • No arithmetic expressions are supported (for example, you can't take the sum of two fields.)
  • At most one GROUP BY and one aggregate column are allowed.
  • Set-oriented operators like IN, UNION, and EXCEPT are not allowed.
  • Only AND expressions in the WHERE clause are allowed.
  • UPDATE expressions are not supported.
  • The string operator LIKE is allowed, but must be written out fully (that is, the Postgres tilde [~] shorthand is not allowed.)

5. Query parser and contest (Lab 4)

The optimizer will be invoked from simpledb/ You may wish to review the lab 2 parser exercise before starting this lab. Briefly, if you have a catalog file catalog.txt describing your tables, you can run the parser by typing (from the simpledb/ directory):

java -classpath bin/src/:lib/jline-0.9.94.jar:lib/sql4j.jar:lib/zql.jar simpledb.Parser catalog.txt

Note that this method of invocation is slightly different from that given in lab2 because we inadvertedly distributed a class that lacked the "parser" option. If you made the method in lab2 work, you may run the parser in that way as well.


MIT 6.830


Language:Java 100.0%