ytchx1999 / ytchx1999

My name is Huixuan Chi. I am an undergraduate student, majoring in computer science and technology. Welcome!

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Here is Huixuan Chi (迟慧璇). 👋

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Status: 24校招找工作中,欢迎联系...


  • I have graduated from NCEPU.
  • Now, I'm a master student of ICT@CAS.
  • I’m interested in Graph Embedding.
  • How to reach me:


  • Mind GPT Taskmaster, Code and Agent, SSAI@LiAuto
  • Heterogeneous Graph Embedding for Douyin Risk Control, Risk-Control@Bytedance
  • Dynamic Graph for Life Service Recommender System, NLP-Center@Meituan
  • Graph Transformer on OGB, AML@Bytedance

Recent Research

  • Chi H, Xu H, Liu M, et al. Modeling Spatiotemporal Periodicity and Collaborative Signal for Local-Life Service Recommendation. (CIKM'23 Workshop)
  • Xu H, Chi H, Liu D, et al. DPGN: Denoising Periodic Graph Network for Life Service Recommendation. (CIKM'23, Long Oral)
  • Bei Y, Xu H, Zhou S, Chi H, et al. CPDG: A Contrastive Pre-Training Method for Dynamic Graph Neural Networks. (ICDE'24, Accepted)
  • Chi H, Hao Q. ALSP: Adaptive Long Short-term Preference Modeling with Temporal Graph Neural Networks.



My name is Huixuan Chi. I am an undergraduate student, majoring in computer science and technology. Welcome!