yss14 / react-safeway

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An opionated typesafe react-query extension for both REST and GraphQL queries and mutations.

Currently this library is only a proposal and is under heavy development


What is the value add of react-safeway?

  • Typesafe query definitions

    • Single source of type definition
    • Avoid stating many generics over and over again
    import { RESTQuery, RESTQueryOpts, useRESTQuery } from "react-safeway"
    export interface Post {
    	id: number
    	title: string
    	completed: boolean
    // only one location where generics for data and variables must be stated
    export const POSTS_QUERY = RESTQuery<Post[]>({
    	url: "/posts",
    	key: "posts",
    export const usePosts = (opts?: RESTQueryOpts<typeof RESTQuery>) => {
    	return useRESTQuery(POSTS_QUERY, opts)
  • Typesafe imperative cache updates

    import { RESTMutation, RESTMutationOpts, useRESTMutation, useRESTQueryClient } from "react-safeway"
    type Response = Pick<Post, "id">
    type PostPayload = Omit<Post, "id">
    const CREATE_POST_MUTATION = RESTMutation<Response, void, PostPayload>({
    	method: "POST",
    	url: "/posts",
    export const useCreatePost = (opts?: RESTMutationOpts<typeof CREATE_POST_MUTATION>) => {
    	const queryClient = useRESTQueryClient()
    	return useRESTMutation(CREATE_POST_MUTATION, {
    		onSuccess: (data, vars, context) => {
    			// typesafe cache update
    				POSTS_QUERY, // reference which query should be updated
    				(posts) => (posts || []).concat({ userId: 1, id: data.id, ...vars }),
    			opts?.onSuccess && opts.onSuccess(data, vars, context)



Abstraction layer to which both RESTClient and GraphQLClient can delegate their HTTP requests. We could provide some default implementations, e.g. a AxiosHTTPClient and FetchHTTPClient, both it also possible to implement and provide its own FooHTTPClient.


Handles all REST queries and mutations and delegates them to the underlying HTTPClient. Further, REST specific error handling is done here.


Handles all GraphQL queries and mutations, transforms them into http requests, and delegates them to the underlying HTTPClient. Further, GraphQL specific error handling is done here.

RESTClientProvider and GraphQLClientProvider

Provides the RESTClient / GraphQLClient via the React Context API and makes them accesible for the query and mutation hooks like useRESTQuery. This is required, there are no default clients!

// App.tsx

const App = () => {
	const restClient = useMemo(() => RESTClient(
				baseURL: "<url>",
	), [])

    return (
        <RESTClientProvider client={restClient}>
            <MyApp />

Query and Mutation hooks

For both REST and GraphQL APIs we provide a query and mutation hook, respectivly.

  • useRESTQuery(query, opts) which uses react-query's useQuery under the hood

  • useRESTMutation(mutation, opts) which uses react-query's useMutation under the hood

  • useGraphQLQuery(query, opts) which uses react-query's useQuery under the hood

  • useGraphQLMutation(mutation, opts) which uses react-query's useMutation under the hood

RESTQuery and RESTMutation

RESTQuery<TData, TVar>(opts) enables us to define a typesafe REST GET query. Via the arguments we can define a (dynamic) url and a (dynamic) cache key, which is delegated to react-query. If we don't provide a key, react-safeway derives the cache key from the separate url parts, e.g. /posts/5/comments becomes ["posts", 5, "comments"].

// without variables
const POSTS_QUERY = RESTQuery<Post[]>({
	url: "/posts",
	key: "posts",

// with variables and dynamic url and key
interface OrganizationUsersVariables {
	organizationID: number

ORGANIZATION_USERS_QUERY = RESTQuery<Organization[], OrganizationUsersVariables>({
	key: ({organizationID}) => ["organizations", organizationID, "users"], // could be omitted in this particular case
	url: ({organizationID}) => `/organizations/${organizationID}/users`,,

RESTMutation<TData, TVar, TPayload>(opts) enables us to define a typesafe mutating operation, using different HTTP methods like POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE. As for queries, we can pass variables to a mutation, and in addition derive a payload from those variables, which is sent to the REST API. Per default, the variables are used as payload value.

interface UpdateOrganizationNameVariables {
	organizationID: number
	name: string
type UpdateOrganizationNamePayload = Omit<UpdateOrganizationNameVariables, "organizationID">

	method: "PATCH",
	url: ({ organizationID }) => `/organizations/${organizationID}/name`,
	payload: ({ name }) => ({ name }),

GraphQLQuery and GraphQLMutation

The same principle as for the REST equivalent applies to the GraphQL part, excep the difference of passing a GraphQL document instead of an url, since for most GraphQL endpoints all queries and mutations are realized as a POST request to a fixed url.

interface SongQueryData {
	share: {
		song: Required<ShareSong>

interface SongQueryVariables {
	shareID: string
	songID: string

const SONG_QUERY = GraphQLQuery<SongQueryData, SongQueryVariables>(gql`
	query song ($shareID: String!, $songID: String!){
		share(shareID: $shareID) {
      		song(id: $songID){

// Same principle applies to GraphQLMutation!

Typesafe QueryClient

Since react-query@3 we have to manually created our own QueryClient instance and provide access via the QueryClientProvider.

The same would apply to react-safeway! We provide an extended version of the QueryClient, named RESTQueryClient / GraphQLQueryClient, both providing typesafe access to methods like getQueryData, setQueryData, etc...

// App.tsx

const App = () => {
	const restClient = useMemo(() => RESTClient(
				baseURL: "<url>",
	), [])

    const restQueryClient = useMemo(() => new RESTQueryClient())

    return (
        <RESTClientProvider client={restClient}>
            <RESTQueryClientProvider vlient={restQueryClient}>
                <MyApp />

// useUpdateOrganizationName.ts

export const useUpdateOrganizationName = (opts?: RESTMutationOpts<typeof UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_NAME>) => {
	const queryClient = useRESTQueryClient() // gives access to the typesafe REST query client extension

		onSuccess: (data, vars, context) => {
                {organizationID: vars.organizationID},
                // we are forced to provide the correct data here, since setTypedQueryData inferes the required data type of the query
				(organization) => ({...organization, name: data.name}),

			opts?.onSuccess && opts.onSuccess(data, vars, context)

Transformed Queries and Mutations

Since especially for GraphQL queries and mutations data is often encapsulated into a deep nested object strcture due to the natur of the GraphQL language, it can be tedious to access this desired data. Transformed quries and mutations help to avoid this repetitive nested object access.

interface SongQueryData {
	share: {
		song: Required<ShareSong>

interface SongQueryVariables {
	shareID: string
	songID: string

// now our SONG_QUERY returns the song directly and automatically inferes its type
const SONG_QUERY = Transform(
	GraphQLQuery<SongQueryData, SongQueryVariables>(gql`
	query song ($shareID: String!, $songID: String!){
		share(shareID: $shareID) {
      		song(id: $songID){
	(response) => response.share.song,

Error Handling


Package Distribution

Since the GraphQL and REST client parts required different underlying (peer) dependencies, the idea would be to split react-safeway into 3 packages.

Furthermore, we would commit to always keep react-safeway update-to-date with the latest react-query version.


Provides the shared core logic which both parts depend on, like HTTPClient.


Contains all REST related logic and APIs, like RESTClient, useRESTQuery, useRESTMutation, etc...

Depends on @react-safeway/core.


Contains all GraphQL related logic and APIs, like GraphQLClient, useGraphQLQuery, useGraphQLMutation, etc...

Depends on @react-safeway/core and requires graphql as peer dependency.


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.8%Language:JavaScript 0.2%