ysn2233 / Step_by_Step

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to generate re-organised output?

Take reorganiser.py for example:

Generate re-organised source code:

λ> python reorganiser.py -d sample_inputs/dependency.py


λ> python reorganiser.py sample_inputs/dependency.py

Generate original source code:

λ> python reorganiser.py -n sample_inputs/dependency.py

Note: The output of main.py can now be handled in a similar way.

How to generate high/low level output?

Take processor.py for example:

Generate high level instructions:

λ> python processor.py -h sample_inputs/draw_house.py

Generate low level instructions:

λ> python processor.py -l sample_inputs/draw_house.py


λ> python processor.py sample_inputs/draw_house.py

Note: The output of main.py can now be handled in a similar way.

How to generate instructional and statistical output?

Take processor.py for example:

Generate both instructions and statistics:

λ> python processor.py -b sample_inputs/draw_house.py


λ> python processor.py sample_inputs/draw_house.py

Generate instructions only:

λ> python processor.py -i sample_inputs/draw_house.py

Generate statistics only:

λ> python processor.py -s sample_inputs/draw_house.py

Note: The output of main.py can now be handled in a similar way.

How to create and run a test case to cover a particular method in processor.py?

  1. define a new method named with the test_ prefix in the TestProcessor class of test_processor.py, which simplely calls the compare() method provided by the class.

  2. create a new python file with its basename the same as the method name in unittest_inputs, and add the python code for generating instructions into the file.

  3. create a new text file with its basename the same as the method name in unittest_outputs, and add the expected instructions for comparison into the file.

  4. run test_processor.py or unittest_coverage.sh to compare the generated and expected instructions line by line.

There is a demo case for testing _Import(self, t) given in the project that you can refer to.

Demo of dumping json to stdout

λ> python main.py sample_inputs/circle.py
        "code": "import turtle",
        "instruction": "Import the turtle module"
        "code": "t = turtle.Turtle()",
        "instruction": "Create and initialize variable 't' to return
        value of function 'Turtle' on object 'turtle' without parameter"
        "code": "for i in range(36):",
        "instruction": "Iterate the variable i over the range from 0
        to 36, and do the following:"
        "code": "    t.forward(10)",
        "instruction": "    Call function 'forward' on object 't' with
        parameter of 10"
        "code": "    t.right(10)",
        "instruction": "    Call function 'right' on object 't' with
        parameter of 10"



Language:Python 95.1%Language:AMPL 2.8%Language:Shell 2.1%