yrtnsari / Sentiment-Analysis-NLP-with-Python

The project is a simple sentiment analysis using NLP. The project in written in python with Jupyter notebook. It shows how to do text preprocessing (removing of bad words, stop words, lemmatization, tokenization). It further shows how to save a trained model, and use the model in a real life suitation. The machine learning model used here is k-Nearest Neighbor which is used to build the model. Various performance evaluation techniques are used, and they include confusion matrix, and Scikit-learn libraries classification report which give the accuracy, precision, recall and f1- score preformance of the model. The target values been classified are positive and negative review.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

yrtnsari/Sentiment-Analysis-NLP-with-Python Stargazers