ypresto / tern_namespace_js_plugin


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Plugin for tern that enables it to understand namespace.js dependency injection.


  1. Install tern.

  2. Copy the namespace.js file from this repository into your tern plugin directory. For Example:

  # vim
  cp /path/to/namespace.js ~/.vim/bundle/tern_for_vim/node_modules/tern/plugin

  # sublime
  cp /path/to/namespace.js ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/tern_for_sublime/node_modules/tern/plugin

  # other
  cp /path/to/namespace.js /path/to/tern/plugin
  1. Create your .tern-project file in the base of your project (if you haven't already) and add namespace to the plugins. An example .tern-project file with this setup could be:
    "libs": [
    "plugins": {
      "namespace": {
        "basePath" : "static/js"

Plugin options

Plugin options could be specified after "namespace" : { in plugins section. Currently these options supported:

  • basePaths : [(basePath), ...] Specify multiple basePath. First has precedence.

  • basePath :

    • "path/to/jsdir"

      Base directory for finding module files.

      Ex: .use('net.ypresto.example.somemodule') will load path/to/jsdir/net/ypresto/example/somemodule.js.

    • { "prefix", "net.ypresto.lib", "path" : "path/to/jslibdir" }

      Similar to above, but cutoff prefix from namespace name.

      Ex: .use('net.ypresto.lib.networking.jsonrpc') will load path/to/jslibdir/networking/jsonrpc.js.

  • debug : enable verbose logging. boolean.

Create plugin / defs of specific namespace

This plugin supports custom plugin and defs tied with specific namespace. To define:

  1. Create (plugin or json) defs with its name is "namespace_def__your.namespace.name", i.e. "!name": "namespace_def__your.namespace.name".
  2. Add provide in !define, which will be treated as the argument of provide(), i.e. "!define": { "__provide__": { "someExportedMethods" : ... } }. You can use !custom: retvals or effects as other tern plugins/defs.
  3. Load plugin or defs as usual, i.e. add to plugins or libs (for json) of .tern-project.

# This README was lent from AngularJS plugin one. thx!




Language:JavaScript 100.0%