ypresto / android-bintray-release

A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Super duper easy way to release your Android and other artifacts to bintray.

This is a helper for releasing libraries to bintray. It is intended to help configuring stuff related to maven and bintray. At the moment it works with Android Library projects, plain Java and plain Groovy projects, but our focus is to mainly support Android projects.

Feature requests & bug reports welcome


To publish a library to bintray using this plugin, add these dependencies to the build.gradle of the module that will be published:

apply plugin: 'com.android.library' // Can be java or groovy for non android projects
apply plugin: 'android-bintray-release'

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.novoda:android-bintray-release:0.2.3'

And add the publish configuration for the project:

publish {
    userOrg = 'myorg'
    groupId = 'com.myorg'
    artifactId = 'artifact-name'
    version = '0.0.1'
    description = 'Oh hi, this is a nice description for a project right?'
    website = 'https://github.com/myorg/artifact-name'
    issueTracker = "${website}/issues"   // optional - this is automatically setup for github websites
    repository = "${website}.git"        // optional - this is automatically setup for github websites

Finally, use the task bintrayUpload to publish (make sure you build the project first!):

$ ./gradlew clean build bintrayUpload -PbintrayUser=USERNAME -PbintrayKey=BINTRAY_KEY -PdryRun=false

Note that you have to pass in some parameters:

  • bintrayUser: Specifies the bintray username that will perform the upload
  • bintrayKey: Specifies the bintray auth key for bintrayUser
  • dryRun: Default is true. If set to false, this will perform the upload, if set to true it won't actually upload. This is useful to set up in your CI so that you can upload manually without having the lib published on each merge of a PR for example.

If your project is not open source, you can also specify the credentials in a properties file or in the publish closure:

publish {
    bintrayUser = 'username'
    bintrayKey = 'thisisareallylonglongkey'


The publish closure contains all these properties. The default values are empty unless specified otherwise:

  • repoType: The repo type. Set to 'maven' by default.
  • userOrg: Contains the organisation name to use for upload.
  • groupId: The group id to use for the upload.
  • artifactId: The artifact id to use.
  • version: A string with the version to use. Can't end with -SNAPSHOT because bintray doesn't accept snapshots.
  • licences: A list of license identifiers for the project. Identifiers can be found here: http://spdx.org/licenses/ and default value is ['Apache-2.0'].
  • uploadName: The display name for this package in bintray. If not set, the artifactId will be used for this.
  • description: A short description for this package in bintray.
  • website: A string with the url for the website of this project. The Github repo can be used here.
  • issueTracker: The url of the issue tracker for the project. If the website contains 'github.com' then this property is set to "${website}/issues" by default.
  • repository: The url of the vcs for this project. If the website contains 'github.com' then this is set to "${website}.git" by default.
  • autoPublish: This boolean defines if the package will be published when uploaded. If this is false, the package will still be uploaded to bintray but you'll have to publish it manually. Default value is true.
  • bintrayUser: The username to be used to upload.
  • bintrayKey: The bintray API key for the user account. Explanation of where to find this value can be found here https://bintray.com/docs/interacting/interacting_apikeys.html
  • dryRun: If set to true this will run everything but it won't upload the package to bintray. If false then it will upload normally.
  • publications: A list of publication names to use for the upload. The default value is ['maven'], which is a publication that this plugin creates for you. You can define your own publications, more info in the wiki page


(c) Copyright 2014 Novoda

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray
