ypaialex / ptdt

Polygenic Transmission Disequilibrium Test (pTDT)

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#pTDT (Polygenic Transmission Disequilibrium Test) v1.0.0

pTDT is a python-based command line tool for analyzing the transmission of polygenic risk within families.

For a detailed description of the pTDT, please consult Weiner et al. 2017. If you publish using pTDT, please cite that paper.

This pTDT wiki describes:

System requirements and pTDT download

The following are required to run pTDT:

  1. Python 3.x
  2. argparse
  3. numpy
  4. pandas (version >= 0.17.0)
  5. scipy

We recommend you download Python and the required packages under the Anaconda distribution.

pTDT may be downloaded using the command-line.

git clone https://github.com/ypaialex/ptdt

Alternatively, you can download the source code (ZIP). Install pTDT by entering the source folder and typing

pip install .

1) Basic file formats

pTDT requires two input files:

  1. Polygenic Risk Score file (from here: PRS file) * Contents: Mapping between individuals and their polygenic risk scores * Format: Text file with four columns: 1) Family ID 2) Individual ID 3) Case/control status (typically 2 if case, 1 if not) 4) polygenic risk score (calculated from Plink, or similar program).
    • Header: Optional
    • Number of rows in PRS file = number of individuals in cohort
  2. Family Structure file (from here: Structure file) * Contents: File identifying which individual belongs in which family * Format: Text file with four or five columns: 1) Family ID 2) Proband Individual ID 3) Father Individual ID 4) Mother Individual ID 5) Sibling Individual ID (optional)
    • Header: Mandatory
    • Number of rows in Structure file = number of families in cohort ~ (length of PRS file / n) (n = 3 for trio families, n = 4 for quads)

Individuals missing from the Structure file should be marked as "NA"

Important note about unique IDs

Each individual in a given cohort must be assigned a unique Individual ID. It is this unique Individual ID that allows ptdt to map individuals from their "Individual ID" in the PRS file to their appropriate "Individual ID" in the Structure file.

Important note about multiplex families

pTDT is compatible with multiplex families. For each additional proband beyond simplex, create an additional row in the Structure file, with each row containing (in this order) Family ID, Father Individual ID, Mother Individual ID, and Proband Individual ID. For example, a family with three probands would have three rows in the Structure file.

2) Basic usage

All pTDT commands must begin by calling 1) python and 2) pTDT as follows:

python ptdt.py

If successfully run, the following output will print:

usage: ptdt.py [-h] --prs FILENAME [...] --structure FILENAME
               [--subset FILENAME] [--quad] [--print] --out OUT
ptdt.py: error: the following arguments are required: --prs, --structure, --out

A basic pTDT analysis must include 1) PRS file 2) Structure file 3) out name, as follows:

python ptdt.py --prs [PRS file] --structure [Structure file] --out [outname]

If successfully run, the following output will print:

Writing log file to [outname].ptdt.log
Options invoked:
	--PRS [PRS file]
	--structure [Structure file]
	--out [outname]

n families loaded from structure file.
Creating pTDT matrix... done.
QC pass/fail.
m probands used in pTDT analysis (n-m skipped due to missingness).

Proband analysis
pTDT mean: X SD
pTDT pvalue: Z

--output: Results written to [outname].ptdt.result.

Brief description of basic output

  • QC pass/fail QC pass if correlation between average parent PRS and offspring PRS > 0.2 (flags data scramble)
  • pTDT mean Average of the pTDT deviation distribution (units: standard deviations of the average parent PRS distribution)
  • pTDT SE Standard error of the pTDT deviation distribution (units: standard deviations of the average parent PRS distribution)
  • pTDT pvalue pvalue of one-sample t-test of the pTDT deviation distribution against null of pTDT mean = 0
  • missingness If any family members in the Struructure file are not found in the PRS file

3) Additional flags

The following are flags that can be added to the pTDT basic usage. All available flags can be viewed using -help flag as follows:

python ptdt.py --help

--subset [subset file]

  • Contents: Allows pTDT to be performed on a subset of the families in the Structure file. Families in the subset file are those retained for analysis.
  • Format: subset file is a text file containing one column of Family IDs (with or without header).


  • Contents: If Sibling column present in Structure file, invoking --quad performs pTDT analysis on these siblings as well.
  • Format: No file required, flag sufficient


  • Contents: Outputs a table to working directory that contains intermediate values in the pTDT calculation. The table resembles a Structure file where the individual IDs have been replaced by their corresponding PRS from the PRS file and the pTDT values calculated in the far right columns
  • Format: Text file with 6 columns: 1) Family ID 2) proband PRS 3) father PRS 4) mother PRS 5) average parent PRS 6) proband pTDT value. If --quad invoked, additional sibling PRS and sibling pTDT columns added.

--prs X Y

  • Contents: The default PRS file format is set to Individual ID in the 2nd column and the PRS in the 4th column. This modification to the --prs flag allows pTDT to accept files with different column ordering
  • Format: --prs X Y where X is the integer number of the column containing the Individual ID and Y is the integer number of the column containing the PRS value. Default is X = 2 and Y = 4.

4) Tutorial

The three files should be found in the main folder of the cloned repository. Those files are:

  1. PRS file called demo_prs_file which contains individual-PRS mapping for 7,780 individuals (1,945 families X 4 members per family)

Printed below are the first ten lines of demo_prs_file

demo_FID demo_IID    PHENO PRS
fam2769  proband2769 2     1229.826212
fam2769  father2769  1     1208.718874
fam2769  sibling2769 1     1034.42246
fam2769  mother2769  1     822.2613297
fam2727  proband2727 2     1002.834464
fam2727  mother2727  1     767.7577174
fam2727  father2727  1     739.9089486
fam2727  sibling2727 1     704.5860444
fam2682  mother2682  1     1031.568723
  1. Structure file called demo_structure_file which contains mapping between family ID and individual ID for 1,945 families

Printed below are the first ten lines of demo_structure_file

familyID_demo probandID_demo fatherID_demo motherID_demo siblingID_demo
fam1000       proband1000    father1000    mother1000    sibling1000
fam1001       proband1001    father1001    mother1001    sibling1001
fam1002       proband1002    father1002    mother1002    sibling1002
fam1003       proband1003    father1003    mother1003    sibling1003
fam1004       proband1004    father1004    mother1004    sibling1004
fam1005       proband1005    father1005    mother1005    sibling1005
fam1006       proband1006    father1006    mother1006    sibling1006
fam1007       proband1007    father1007    mother1007    sibling1007
fam1008       proband1008    father1008    mother1008    sibling1008
  1. Subset file called demo_subset_file which contains a subset of 1,410 families from the demo_structure_file

Printed below are the first ten lines of demo_subset_file


Basic pTDT on proband and unaffected sibling

The following flags would be used:

python ptdt.py --prs demo_prs_file --structure demo_structure_file --quad --out demo_prs_quad

The following output will print:

pTDT Script vX.X.X (DD MM YYYY)
Created by Alex Pai and Daniel Weiner

Writing log file to demo_prs_quad.ptdt.log
Options invoked:
	--PRS demo_prs_file
	--structure demo_structure_file
	--out demo_prs_quad 

1945 families loaded from structure file.
Creating pTDT matrix... done.
QC pass.
1945 probands used in pTDT analysis (0 skipped due to missingness).
1945 siblings used in pTDT analysis (0 skipped due to missingness).

Proband analysis
pTDT mean: 3.841E-02 SD
pTDT SE: 1.690E-02 SD
pTDT pvalue: 2.310E-02

Sibling analysis
pTDT mean: 8.762E-03 SD
pTDT SE: 1.674E-02 SD
pTDT pvalue: 6.007E-01

--output: Results written to demo_prs_quad.ptdt.result.

The commands invoked and the results are written to demo_prs_quad.ptdt.logand demo_prs_quad.ptdt.result respectively.

pTDT on subset of cohort, without unaffected siblings

The following flags would be used:

python ptdt.py --prs demo_prs_file --structure demo_structure_file --subset demo_subset_file --out demo_prs_subset

The following output will print:

pTDT Script vX.X.X (DD MM YYYY)
Created by Alex Pai and Daniel Weiner

Writing log file to demo_prs_subset.ptdt.log
Options invoked:
	--PRS demo_prs_file
	--structure demo_structure_file
	--subset demo_subset_file
	--out demo_prs_subset

1945 families loaded from structure file.
1410 families loaded from subset file (535 families excluded from analysis).
Creating pTDT matrix... done.
QC pass.
1410 probands used in pTDT analysis (0 skipped due to missingness).

Proband analysis
pTDT mean: 3.122E-02 SD
pTDT SE: 2.034E-02 SD
pTDT pvalue: 1.251E-01

--output: Results written to demo_prs_subset.ptdt.result.

The commands invoked and the results are written to demo_prs_subset.ptdt.logand demo_prs_subset.ptdt.result respectively.

Updating pTDT

Download the newest available version of pTDT by entering

git pull origin master


This project is licensed under GNU GPL v3.


Alex Pai and Daniel Weiner (Robinson Lab, Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at Broad Institute)


Polygenic Transmission Disequilibrium Test (pTDT)

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%