yousufkalim / next-ts-boilerplate

A robust Next.js TypeScript boilerplate with a clean and organized structure, designed to kickstart web development projects. This boilerplate incorporates best practices, popular libraries, and essential tools to streamline the development process.

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Next.js TypeScript Boilerplate Guide


Welcome to the Next.js TypeScript Boilerplate! This guide will help you get started with the boilerplate and follow best practices for folder structure, React Query usage, toasts, and more.


  • Next.js 14 with TypeScript
  • Folder structure for better organization
  • React Query for data fetching and mutations
  • Tailwind for styling
  • React-hot-toast for toast notifications
  • SEO-friendly Meta component
  • Sitemap generation script
  • Pre-configured with Husky, Commit lint, ESLint, Lint-staged

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Install and setup Dependencies:

    cd <project-folder>
    yarn install
    cp .env.example .env
  3. Run in dev mode:

    yarn run dev

Folder Structure

The boilerplate follows a structured organization to enhance maintainability and scalability.

  • api: External API handler functions.
  • assets: Assets used in the project.
  • components: Reusable React components.
  • config: Configuration files, including environment variables.
  • context: Context API setup for global state management.
  • hooks: Useful custom hooks.
  • layouts: Logic to gather components for layout rendering.
  • pages: Next.js pages.
  • types: TypeScript types and interfaces.
  • utils: Utility functions.

React Query

The boilerplate integrates React Query for efficient data fetching and mutations. Follow the pattern used in the 'todos' page:

  • useQuery: Fetching data from an API.

    import { fectAllTodos } from '@api/todos.api';
    // ...
    const { data, refetch, error } = useQuery('todos', fectAllTodos);
  • useMutation: Modifying data on the server.

    import { updateTodo } from '@api/todos.api';
    // ...
    const mutation = useMutation(updateTodo);
    await mutation.mutateAsync({ ...todo, completed: true });
    // Invalidate todos so it can refetch all todos
    queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] });
    // Or you can simply refetch

Toast Notifications

For toast notifications, utilize the react-hot-toast library. Import and use it in your components:

import toast from 'react-hot-toast';

// ...

toast.success('Todo marked as completed!');

SEO Meta Component

Use the 'Meta' component for SEO information, including OG details. Place it at the top of your page components:

import Meta from '@components/Meta';

const MyPage: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <Meta title="My Page" description="This is my page." />
      {/* Your page content */}

Sitemap Generation

A script is included to generate a sitemap during the build process. Simply run:

yarn run build

The sitemap will be created in the 'public' folder.

Additional Tools

The boilerplate comes with pre-configured tools for maintaining code quality:

  • Husky: Git hooks to automate checks.
  • Commitlint: Linting commit messages for consistency.
  • ESLint: JavaScript and TypeScript linting.
  • Lint-staged: Run ESLint on staged files.


Congratulations! You're now set up with the Next.js TypeScript Boilerplate. Feel free to customize and extend it according to your project requirements. If you encounter issues or have suggestions, reach out to me.


  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request :D


Yousuf Kalim
Authored and maintained by Yousuf Kalim.

GitHub @yousufkalim · LinkedIn @yousufkalim

Happy coding!


A robust Next.js TypeScript boilerplate with a clean and organized structure, designed to kickstart web development projects. This boilerplate incorporates best practices, popular libraries, and essential tools to streamline the development process.


Language:TypeScript 88.5%Language:JavaScript 8.9%Language:CSS 2.1%Language:Shell 0.5%