youngshook / gps-tracking-nodejs

Let you work with some GPS trackers that connects through tcp. Such as GT02A/GT06, which can get from Taobao(淘宝) less than ¥150

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This module let you easily create listeners for your GPS tracking devices. You can add your custom implementations to handle more protocols.

Currently supported models

  • GT02A
  • GT06
  • TK103

You can get those GPS tracker from 淘宝(, BUT please make sure you get the sms commamd(such as SERVER,666666,0,111.222.333.4444,5022,0#) to change the device's ip/port for report GPS location.


Step by step

  1. Install Node

  2. Create a folder for your project

  3. Copy the example code above in a .js file like server.js

  4. Install the package in the project folder

cd /path/to/my/project
npm install
  1. Run your server (server.js example below)
node server.js


Once you have installed the package, you can use it like:

var gps = require("gps-tracking");

var options = {
    'debug'                 : true,
    'port'                  : 8090,
    'device_adapter'        : "TK103"

var server = gps.server(options,function(device,connection){


        // Some devices sends a login request before transmitting their position
        // Do some stuff before authenticate the device... 
        // Accept the login request. You can set false to reject the device.


    //PING -> When the gps sends their position  

        //After the ping is received, but before the data is saved
        return data;



And you can get track trace on http://localhost:55023 (If your GPS receive port is 5023).


With this package you are going to create a tcp server that listens on a open port of your server/computer for a specific gps device model. For example, you are going to listen on port 8090 for 'TK103 gps-trackers'.

If you want to listen for different kind of trackers, you have to create another tcp server. You can do this in a different node.js program in the same server, but you have to listen in a different port.

So, you can listen on port 8090 for TK103 devices and listen on 8091 for TK102 devices (or any gps-tracker you want)



Enables console.log messages.



The port to listen to. Where the packages of the device will arrive.

    "port": 8080,


Which device adapter will be used to parse the incoming packets.

    "device_adapter": false, 
    // If false, the server will throw an error. 
    // At the moment, the modules comes with only one adater: TK103.
    "device_adapter": "TK103"
    // You can create your own adapter. 
     "device_adapter": require("./my_custom_adapter")


Once you create a server, you can access to the connection and the device object connected. Both objects emits events you can listen on your app.

var server = gps.server(options,function(device,connection){
    //conection = net.createServer(...) object
    //device = Device object

connection events

Available events:

  • end
  • data
  • close
  • timeout
  • drain

You can check the documentation of node.js net object here.

var server = gps.server(opts,function(device,connection){
		//When raw data comes from the device

Device object events

Every time something connects to the server, a net connection and a new device object will be created. The Device object is your interface to send & receive packets/commands.

var request = require('request');
var gps = require("./gps-tracking-nodejs");

//  init mqtt connection
var mqtt    = require('mqtt');
var mqttConnected = false;

var MQTT_ADDR = "mqtt://***";
var MQTT_PORT = 1883;

var client  = mqtt.connect('mqtt://***', {
    "username": "***",
    "password": "***",
client.on('connect', function () {
    console.log("mqtt connected");
    mqttConnected = true;
client.on('error', function(){
// ---- mqtt end ----

var server = gps.server({
    'debug': true,
    'port': 5023,
    'device_adapter': "GT06",
    'gpx_log_location': "/path/to/gpx/"
},function(device, connection){

    //PING -> When the gps sends their position  
        // push current location info to home assistant
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'x-ha-access': '***'
            uri: 'https://***/api/states/sensor.motor_location',
            method: 'POST',
            json: {"state": "on", "attributes": data}
        },  function (err, res, body) { });

        // push current location to home assistant by mqtt
            client.publish('location/motor', JSON.stringify({"longitude": data.longitude, "latitude": data.latitude,}));
        return data;

Custom adapters

You have to create and exports an adapter function.


var adapter = function(device){
    //Code that parses and respond to commands
exports.adapter = adapter;

Functions you have to implement

function parse_data(data)

You receive the data and you have to return an object with:

return {
    'device_id': 'string',
    // ID of the device. Mandatory
    'cmd': 'string',
    //'string' Represents what the device is trying to do. You can send some of the available commands or a custom string. Mandatory
    'data': 'string'
    //Aditional data in the packet. Mandatory


Let you work with some GPS trackers that connects through tcp. Such as GT02A/GT06, which can get from Taobao(淘宝) less than ¥150


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