yothin / UIFontWDCustomLoader

An iOS custom font loader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



You can use UIFontWDCustomLoader category to load any compatible font into your iOS projects at runtime without messing with plist, font unknown names or strange magic.

The only things you'll have to know are your font filenames and this library name.

You can also use this library to load new fonts after app installation. ##Usage ###Adding font to Project

  1. Drag'n drop your font into Xcode project, selecting "Add to Targets" when prompted.
  2. Check "Target Membership" of your added font files (File inspector on the right).

If you can't see a font, check under Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resource: you must see the font filename listed here.

###Using font

#import "UIFont+WDCustomLoader.h"

####One time setup (Explicit registration):


// Create an NSURL for your font file: 'Lao MN.ttc'
NSURL *laoFontURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"Lao MN" withExtension:@"ttc"]];

// Do the registration.
NSArray *fontPostScriptNames = [UIFont registerFontFromURL:laoFontURL];

// If everything went ok, fontPostScriptNames will become @[@"LaoMN",@"LaoMN-Bold"] 
// and collection will be registered.
// (Note: On iOS < 7.0 you will get an empty array)

// Then, anywhere in your code, you can do
UIFont *laoFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"LaoMN" size:18.0f];



// Create an NSURL for your font file: 'Lato-Hairline.ttf'
NSURL *latoHairlineFontURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"Lato-Hairline" withExtension:@"ttf"]];

// Do the registration.
NSArray *fontPostScriptNames = [UIFont registerFontFromURL:latoHairlineFontURL];

// If everything went ok, fontPostScriptNames will become @[@"Lato-Hairline"] 
// and collection will be registered.

// Then, anywhere in your code, you can do
UIFont *latoHairlineFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Lato-Hairline" size:18.0f];

// or
UIFont *latoHairlineFont = [UIFont customFontWithURL:latoHairlineFontURL size:18.0f];
// or (*deprecated*)
UIFont *myCustomFont = [UIFont customFontOfSize:18.0f withName:@"Lato-Hairline" withExtension:@"ttf"];

####No setup (Implicit registration)


// Create an NSURL for your font file: 'Lato-Hairline.ttf'
NSURL *latoHairlineFontURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"Lato-Hairline" withExtension:@"ttf"]];

// Then, anywhere in your code, you can do
UIFont *latoHairlineFont = [UIFont customFontWithURL:latoHairlineFontURL size:18.0f];

// or (*deprecated*)
UIFont *myCustomFont = [UIFont customFontOfSize:18.0f withName:@"Lato-Hairline" withExtension:@"ttf"];

NOTE: Font registration will be made on first [ UIFont customFont… ] method call.

##Prerequisites UIFontWDCustomLoader requires:

  • ARC
  • Deployment target greater or equal to iOS 4.1
  • CoreText Framework

This library has been tested with: iOS 5, 6 and 7

##Install ###Basic Simply download it from here and include it in your project manually.

###GIT submodule You have the canonical git submodule option. Simply issue

git submodule add https://github.com/daktales/UIFontWDCustomLoader.git <path>

in your root folder of your repository.

###Cocoapods You can use CocoaPods to install this library.

In your Xcode project folder create (or modify) a 'podfile' file with:

platform :ios
pod 'UIFontWDCustomLoader', '~> 0.1.0'

Then launch pod install in the same folder (using console).

Now you must open your project by .workspace file.

##License This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.

##Thanks The entire idea behind this library came after I see how FlatUIKit loads its fonts. So a big thanks to them. Link


An iOS custom font loader

License:MIT License