yosignals / GoodHound

Uses Sharphound, Bloodhound and Neo4j to produce an actionable list of attack paths for targeted remediation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


   ______                ____  __                      __
  / ____/___  ____  ____/ / / / /___  __  ______  ____/ /
 / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ __  / /_/ / __ \/ / / / __ \/ __  / 
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\____/\____/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/   

Attackers think in graphs, defenders think in actions, management think in charts.

GoodHound operationalises Bloodhound by determining the busiest paths to high value targets and creating actionable output to prioritise remediation of attack paths.


Quick Start

For a very quick start with most of the default options, make sure you have your neo4j server running and loaded with SharpHound data and run:

git clone https://github.com/idnahacks/GoodHound.git
cd GoodHound
pip install -r requirements.txt
python goodhound.py -p neo4jpassword -o csv -f .

This will process the data in neo4j and output 3 csv reports in the GoodHound directory.

Default behaviour

All options are optional. The default behaviour is to connect to a neo4j server setup with the default ip (http://localhost:7474) and credentials (neo4j:neo4j), calculate the busiest paths from non-admin users to highvalue targets as defined with the default Bloodhound setup, and print the ouput to the screen.

The neo4j database will need to already have the Sharphound collector output uploaded using the Upload button in the Bloodhound GUI. An example Sharphound output collected using Bad Blood on a Detection Labs can be found in this repo at /Sample%20SharpHound%20Output.

The output shows a total number of unique users that have a path to a HighValue target.
It then breaks this down to individual paths, ordered by the risk score (more on this later). Each path is then displayed showing the starting group, the number of non-admin users within that path, the number of hops, the risk score, a text version of the path and also a Cypher query. This cypher query can be directly copied into the Raw Query bar in Bloodhound for a visual representation of the attack path.

Example Output
BloodHound Attack Path


Database settings

-s can be used to point GoodHound to a server other than the default localhost installation
-u can be used to set the neo4j username
-p can be used to set the neo4j password

Output formats

-o can be used to select from:

  • stdout -displays the output on screen
  • csv saves a comma separated values file for use with reporting or MI (completing the graphs, actions, charts trifecta in the tagline)
  • md or markdown to display a markdown formatted output

-f an optional filepath for the csv output option
-v enables verbose output to display query times

Number of results

-r can be used to select the amount of results to show. By default the top 5 busiest paths are displayed.
-sort can be used to sort by:

  • number of users with the path (descending)
  • hop count (ascending)
  • risk score (descending)


-sch select a file containing cypher queries to set a custom schema to alter the default Bloodhound schema. This can be useful if you want to set the 'highvalue' label on AD objects that are not covered as standard, helping to provide internal context. For example, you want to add the highvalue label to 'dbserver01' because it contains all of your customer records. The schema file to load in could contain the following cypher query:

match (c:Computer {name:'DBSERVER01@YOURDOMAIN.LOCAL'}) set c.highvalue=TRUE

The schema can contain multiple queries, each on a separate line.


-q can be used to override the default query that is run to calculate the busiest path. This can be useful if your dataset is large and you want to temporarily load in a query that looks at a smaller set of your data in order to quickly try GoodHound out.
Care should be taken to ensure that the query provides output in the same way as the built-in query, so it doesn't stop any other part of GoodHound running.
The original query is :

'match p=shortestpath((g:Group {highvalue:FALSE})-[*1..]->(n {highvalue:TRUE})) 
with reduce(totalscore = 0, rels in relationships(p) | totalscore + rels.pwncost) as cost, 
length(p) as hops, 
g.name as groupname, 
[node in nodes(p) | coalesce(node.name, "")] as nodeLabels,
[rel in relationships(p) | type(rel)] as relationshipLabels
reduce(path="", x in range(0,hops-1) | path + nodeLabels[x] + " - " + relationshipLabels[x] + " -> ") as path,
nodeLabels[hops] as final_node,
hops as hops, 
groupname as groupname, 
cost as cost,
nodeLabels as nodeLabels,
relationshipLabels as relLabels
return groupname, hops, min(cost) as cost, nodeLabels, relLabels, path + final_node as full_path'

and so an example to retrieve a subset might be:

'match p=shortestpath((g:Group {highvalue:FALSE})-[*1..]->(n {highvalue:TRUE})) WHERE tolower(g.name) =~ 'admin.*' with reduce(totalscore = 0, rels in relationships(p) | totalscore + rels.pwncost) as cost, length(p) as hops, g.name as groupname, [node in nodes(p) | coalesce(node.name, '')] as nodeLabels, [rel in relationships(p) | type(rel)] as relationshipLabels with reduce(path='', x in range(0,hops-1) | path + nodeLabels[x] + ' - ' + relationshipLabels[x] + ' -> ') as path, nodeLabels[hops] as final_node, hops as hops, groupname as groupname, cost as cost, nodeLabels as nodeLabels, relationshipLabels as relLabels return groupname, hops, min(cost) as cost, nodeLabels, relLabels, path + final_node as full_path'

SQLite Database

By default Goodhound stores all attack paths in a SQLite database called goodhound.db stored in the local directory. This gives the opportunity to query attack paths over time.
--db-skip will skip logging anything to a local database
--sql-path can be used to point Goodhound to a SQLite db file that is not stored in the default location. The db file will be created in the set location if it does not already exist.


Larger datasets can take time to process. Some performance improvements can be seen by selecting to "warm-up" the database using the option in the Bloodhound GUI. There are also many guides for tuning the neo4j database for increased performance which are out of scope here (although if I make any significant improvements I'll document the findings).



Downloading GoodHound

Either download using git or by downloading the zip file and extract to your chosen location.

git clone https://github.com/idnahacks/GoodHound.git
cd goodhound




  • Install required Python modules.
  • Goodhound will install py2neo and pandas libraries, if you do not wish to change any local modules you already have installed it is recommended to use pipenv.
pip install -r requirements.txt

SQLite Database

By default Goodhound will insert all of attack paths that it finds into a local SQLite database located in a db directory inside the current working directory.
This database can be then queried separately using the SQLite tools and queries. More details on that can be found here.

Risk Score

The Risk Score is a mechanism to help prioritise remediation. It is calculated based on the Exploit Cost and the number of non-admin users exposed to that attack path. The more users that are exposed, and the lower the exploit cost, the higher the risk score.
It is not intended to be a risk assessment in and of itself, and the intention is not to assign severities such as Critical, High, Medium etc to certain scores.

The score is calculated using the following formula:

Risk Score = (MaxExploitCostPossible - ExploitCost) / MaxExploitCostPossible * %ofEnabledNon-AdminUserswiththepath

MaxExploitCostPossible is 3 * the maximum number of hops seen across all attack paths. 3 is chosen because it is the highest score any single hop in an attack path can have.

Exploit Cost

Exploit Cost is an estimation of how noisy or complex a particular attack path might be.
For example, if an attacker has compromised userA and userA is a member of groupB then that step in the attack path doesn't require any further exploitation or real opsec considerations.
Conversely if an attacker has compromised a user's workstation which also has an admin user session on it, to exploit this the attacker would (possibly) need to elevate permissions on the workstation and run something like Mimikatz to extract credentials from memory. This would require OPSEC considerations around monitoring of LSASS processes and also potentially require endpoint protection bypasses. All of which make the exploitation that little bit more difficult.

These scores have been assigned based upon my personal best judgement. They are not set in stone and discussions around the scoring are welcome and will only help to improve this.

The scores assigned to each exploit are:

Relationship Target Node Type OPSEC Considerations Possible Protections to Bypass Possible Privesc Required Cost
Memberof Group No No No 0
HasSession Any Yes Yes Yes 3
CanRDP Any No No No 0
Contains Any No No No 0
GPLink Any No No No 0
AdminTo Any Yes No No 1
ForceChangePassword Any Yes No No 1
AllowedToDelegate Any Yes No No 1
AllowedToAct Any Yes No No 1
AddAllowedToAct Any Yes No No 1
ReadLapsPassword Any Yes No No 1
ReadGMSAPassword Any Yes No No 1
HasSidHistory Any Yes No No 1
CanPSRemote Any Yes No No 1
ExecuteDcom Any Yes No No 1
SqlAdmin Any Yes No No 1
AllExtendedRights Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
AddMember Group Yes No No 1
GenericAll Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
WriteDACL Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
WriteOwner Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
Owns Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
GenericWrite Group/User/Computer Yes No No 1
DCSync Domain Yes Yes No 2
GetChangesAll Domain Yes Yes No 2
AllExtendedRights Domain Yes Yes No 2
GenericAll Domain Yes Yes No 2
WriteDACL Domain Yes Yes No 2
WriteOwner Domain Yes Yes No 2
Owns Domain Yes Yes No 2
GenericAll GPO/OU Yes No No 1
WriteDACL GPO/OU Yes No No 1
WriteOwner GPO/OU Yes No No 1
Owns GPO/OU Yes No No 1



Uses Sharphound, Bloodhound and Neo4j to produce an actionable list of attack paths for targeted remediation.


Language:Python 100.0%