yoseplee / processing_works

media art tutorials and works with processing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


media art tutorials and works with processing try not to use SimpleOpenNI lib, but openkinect_processing lib

Running Environments

OS: OSX 10.14(macOS Mojave) Processing Version: 2.2.1 Kinect: Microsoft Kinect V2 (have problem with SimpleOpenNI, cannot find device)


  1. openkinect_processing
  2. blobDetection
  3. Video

181016, pen-drawing work with kinect2

kinect_export_at 14893

Based on Kinect example with CAN Kinect Physics.. https://github.com/msp/CANKinectPhysics Modified its particle to be pen-drawing like.

181006, pen-drawing looking work

screen shot 2018-10-06 at 16 30 48

With internal webcam, draw randomly generated curves on canvers. select a sigle x,y point, and another new x and y point with add random(-20, 20) on it. draw a curve between the point and new point. if they are too close, its slope of curve is became exponentially slanting. Or, gradient. still working on it, and will be done until early Nov.




media art tutorials and works with processing


Language:Processing 100.0%