yosefw / slick-lightbox

A lightbox wrapper for Ken's amazing slick carousel - http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick.

Home Page:http://mreq.github.io/slick-lightbox/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


a work in progress

Credits go to kenwheeler for doing the hard work.


Make sure you include CSS for both slick and slick-lightbox. Example HTML:

  <li><a href="http://placekitten.com/600/300">I like kittens.</a></li>
  <li><a href="http://placekitten.com/630/280">Do you like kittens?</a></li>
  <li><a href="http://placekitten.com/500/250">Thank you placekitten.com.</a></li>

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/slick.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/slick-lightbox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
      itemSelector: '> li > a'


Option Type Default Description
background string rgba(0,0,0,.8) Background for the lightbox. Is used directly as a CSS background statement so that color and/or an image can be used.
closeOnEscape boolean true Should the lightbox close upon pressing ESC?
closeOnBackdropClick boolean true Should the lightbox close upon clicking on backdrop?
destroyTimeout integer 500 How many ms should we wait before actually removing the lightbox from the DOM? The default is used so that a 0.5s opacity transition can take place.
itemSelector string a jQuery-like selector for the carousel-to-create items. The items should be anchors with href attribute aiming at the desired lightbox image. If that's not the case, you should specify the src option.
navigateByKeyboard boolean true Can you use keyboard arrows to navigate the carousel?
slick object {} Slick options to pass to the carousel.
caption various false Should the images be captioned? If false, no caption is created. You can pass your own function accepting the element as an attribute (e.g. function(element) { return $(element).doSomething(); }) or a string with the name of the data-attribute to be fetched (my-caption will get the value of data-my-caption attribute).
src various false How to get the image urls? If false, no src is taken as the href attribute. You can pass your own function accepting the element as an attribute (e.g. function(element) { return $(element).doSomething(); }) or a string with the name of the attribute to be fetched (src will get the value of element.src attribute).
captionPosition various 'dynamic' Where should the caption be placed? When set to 'dynamic', the caption is displayed right under the image. When 'bottom', the caption is on the bottom of the screen independent from the image size.
images various false When passed an array, slick lightbox doesn't scan the elements for image URLs and uses array's values instead.


Events are triggered on the source element. Example:

    'show.slickLightbox': function(){ console.log('A `show.slickLightbox` event triggered.'); },1
    'shown.slickLightbox': function(){ console.log('A `shown.slickLightbox` event triggered.'); },
    'hide.slickLightbox': function(){ console.log('A `hide.slickLightbox` event triggered.'); },
    'hidden.slickLightbox': function(){ console.log('A `hidden.slickLightbox` event triggered.'); }
Event Description
show.slickLightbox Triggered when the lightbox is opened.
shown.slickLightbox Triggered when the lightbox is opened, after the transitions took place.
hide.slickLightbox Triggered when the lightbox is closed.
hidden.slickLightbox Triggered when the lightbox is closed, after the transitions took place.


A lightbox wrapper for Ken's amazing slick carousel - http://github.com/kenwheeler/slick.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 40.6%Language:HTML 21.4%Language:CSS 20.6%Language:CoffeeScript 17.4%