yos-r / SpaceTrivia

An Android application consisting of a space trivia quiz, a slideshow for astronomy facts and NASA daily images fetched from the Astronomy Picture Of the Day API. ๐Ÿ›ฐ๏ธ๐ŸŒŒ

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Space Trivia

๐Ÿš€ About the project

Space Trivia is an Android application consisting of a space trivia quiz, a slideshow for space facts and NASA daily images fetched from the Astronomy Picture Of the Day API.

Work done by Yosr Barghouthi (yosr.barghouthi@etudiant-isi.utm.tn) and Maissa Dridi (maissa.dridi@etudiant-isi.utm.tn) L3CS02

Course: Mobile development, fall 2022. Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D65EjLDddE&ab_channel=yosr

๐Ÿ›ฐ๏ธ At a glance

Space Trivia Homepage Quiz
Score Space Fact Astronomy picture of the day API

๐Ÿ”User authentication

A first-time user can sign up by providing a username and a password.

The login data is stored in a SQLite database login.db

The class DBHelper.java performs operations to the login.db database. These operations include the creation of the table users, dropping it, inserting a row and checking credentials.

Activities and layouts: MainActivity.javaand activity_main.xml

NB: background music starts playing the background with the help of the service BackgroundSoundService.java

๐Ÿ  Homepage

Upon entering correct login information, a greeting message is shown with username of user.

The user can start the space trivia quiz, brush up on space facts, look up NASA daily images from the APOD api or learn about the project.

Activities and layouts: Homescreen.javaand activity_homescreen.xml

๐Ÿ“ Quiz

The quiz is comprised of 20 questions related to astronomy. Each question offers 3 options.

See ~/com/example/spacetrivia/questions.txt for the list of questions and options.

Activities and layouts: SpaceQuiz.javaand activity_space_quiz.xml

This activity relies on the Question.java class whose attributes describe a question, its options, the correct answer to it and its corresponding image.

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3

๐Ÿ”ข Quiz Score

Upon completion of the quiz, the score is returned and a corresponding message is shown.

The user can retake the test by clicking on the โ€œRetake test ๐Ÿ”‚โ€ button.

Activities and layouts: ScoreActivity.javaand activity_score.xml

Perfect Great Average Low

๐Ÿ“šBrushing up on space facts

This section is a slider that displays space facts with a question, an image and a corresponding answer. The user swipes left to learn about space facts.

Activities and layouts: SpaceFacts.java and activity_space_facts.xml. This activity features a ViewPager that takes in a SlideAdapter object as its adapter.

SlideAdapter.java is a class linked to the layout file slide.xml and that configures the content of the slider. (images, text and background color )

Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3

๐ŸŒŒNasa API (Astronomy picture of the day)

This section makes a call to APOD API provided by NASA to retrieve each NASA image of the day starting from december 12th,2022.

Singleton.java allows for one request queue to be made.

The activity NasaImageOfTheDay.java performs an API call to fetch a JSON array. Each element of the array contains the title, description, date and url of the image. These details are used to construct NasaImage.java objects, these objects will be later added to an ArrayList mList (attribute of the class NasaImageOfTheDay.java )

String url = "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=mVHP73isNjhQZroWysMhXKYtTXbS9eOUMR2I4lSl&start_date=2022-12-12";

        JsonArrayRequest jsonArrayRequest = new JsonArrayRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONArray>() {
            public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
                try {
                    //JSONArray jsonArray = response.getJSONArray("hits");

                    for(int i = response.length()-1 ; i>0 ; i--){
                        JSONObject jsonObject = response.getJSONObject(i);
                        String imgurl = jsonObject.getString("url");
                        String title = jsonObject.getString("title");
                        String date = jsonObject.getString("date");
                        String description = jsonObject.getString("explanation");
                        NasaImage post = new NasaImage(title,date,imgurl,description);


                    PostAdapter adapter = new PostAdapter(NASAImageOfTheDay.this , mList);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                catch (Exception e){
        }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
            public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                Toast.makeText(NASAImageOfTheDay.this, "yikes", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


To format the elements of the arraylist, the layout file activity_nasaimage_of_the_day.xml uses a RecyclerView that takes in as adapter a PostAdapter.java object.

PostAdapter.java is linked to the layout file eachimage.xml and it parses the results array to set data to elements of the layout file.


๐Ÿ“„About the project

This section displays information about the creators, as well as resources used in the project.

Activities and layouts: AboutUs.javaand activity_about_us.xml , AboutUsSliderAdapter.java and slide.xml


  • font: minecraft official font
  • song: another world by colleen
  • icons: icon-icons.com
About 1 About 2 About 3 About 4


An Android application consisting of a space trivia quiz, a slideshow for astronomy facts and NASA daily images fetched from the Astronomy Picture Of the Day API. ๐Ÿ›ฐ๏ธ๐ŸŒŒ


Language:Java 100.0%