- Clone repo
- Install Sushi https://fshschool.org/docs/sushi/installation/
- Install the FHIR IG Publisher tool https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/IG+Publisher+Documentation#IGPublisherDocumentation-QuickStart
- From the project directory run _updatePublisher (a one off to download the IG publisher tool and scripts)
- From the project directory run _genonceYHCR (the main build script)
- Go to the "output" folder and view "index.html"
To continue editing
- Examine the source in folder "fsh-tank/input/fsh"
- Edit using VS Code and the "FHIR Shorthand" extension from Mitre Health (mitre-health.vscode-language-fsh)
- Run _genonceYHCR to rebuild