yogeshnile / Iris-Flower-Classification-using-Machine-Learning

This is basic Machine Learning project of Iris Flower Classification

Repository from Github https://github.comyogeshnile/Iris-Flower-Classification-using-Machine-LearningRepository from Github https://github.comyogeshnile/Iris-Flower-Classification-using-Machine-Learning


This is basic Machine Learning project of Iris Flower Classification


On this repository it is simple machine learning project.

In machine learning project predict the Iris Flower Class ['Iris-Satosa','Iris-Versicolor','Iris-Virginica'] 150 records in csv file on this project.

on this project are testing a multiple regrassion model there example are below

  • DecisionTreeClassifier Model
  • KNeighborsClassifier Model
  • KMeans Model

Technology used in Project ♨️

Bug / Feature Request πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

If you find a bug (the website couldn't handle the query and / or gave undesired results), kindly open an issue here by including your search query and the expected result.

If you'd like to request a new function, feel free to do so by opening an issue here. Please include sample queries and their corresponding results.

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Known on internet as Yogesh Nile

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This is basic Machine Learning project of Iris Flower Classification

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 97.4%Language:Python 2.6%