yogeeswar2001 / chat-application

Chat application built using PHP, JavaScript , AJAX, MySQL

Home Page:https://demo-yogi.000webhostapp.com/chatapp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple Chat application written in php, javascript and ajax chat_screenshot


This works based on polling, every 5 seconds it checks for new message in database new messages are returned to the user


  • To add security options
  • To include group chat options
  • To include upload of multimedia


Follow the below steps for apache server
  • Create the directory for your_domain and move to the directory
    sudo mkdir /var/www/your_domain
    cd /var/www/your_domain
  • Clone the repo or download the files inside the current directory,To Clone the repo
    git clone "https://github.com/yogeeswar2001/cpu_scheduling_algo_simulator.git"
  • Assign ownership of the directory with the $USER environment variable
    sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/your_domain
  • open a new configuration file in Apache sites-available directory using preferred command-line editor
    sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain.conf
  • Paste in the following configuration
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName your_domain
      ServerAlias www.your_domain
      ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
      DocumentRoot /var/www/your_domain
      ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
      CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  • Run the following commands to enable the web app
    sudo a2ensite your_domain
    sudo a2dissite 000-default
    The below command should give "syntax OK" which ensures configuration file doesn’t contain syntax error, if so reload apache
    sudo apache2ctl configtest
    sudo systemctl reload apache2
  • Open the browser and type localhost in the url

Follow the steps to create database with MySQL

  • Create a database, the use the chat_App.sql to import the database
    create database database_name
    use database_name
    source path_to_sql_sorce_file
  • Change the $username, $pwd, $db in db_conn.php


Chat application built using PHP, JavaScript , AJAX, MySQL



Language:PHP 47.7%Language:JavaScript 27.5%Language:CSS 17.6%Language:Hack 7.2%