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JSCC17 - JS CraftCamp 2017

Let's try to get an overview over all sessions that happened at JSCC17. If someone has a repo or anything else to share, please do so! :)



Hall #Lab #Workshop #Meeting #Blue Somewhere else
11:00 How to stay on track (Micha) WebAssembly (Thomas) Fake it Outside In TDD (David) Let's TDD an Ethereum Smart Contract (Axel) React-Alternatives (Vue.js, Inferno, ...) (Joern) The "best" JS Project (what does it need, ...) (Antonia) Coffee (peerigon) Morning Kata (Wolfram)
12:00 Polymer testing w/o WCT (Micha) Twitter Bot / Determine twitter ball drop rate (Joern / Helge) Fake it Outside In TDD (David) Chatbots for internal processes (Thomas) Maintainable Stylesheets (Mario) 3D Printing @Intrane(?) (Adrian) Hardware (Espruino?) (Michael) Fast Feedback #ATDD #TDD #(?) #electron (?)
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 Discuss about OSS-Licenses (Michael) Let's use VIM (Frank) Exorcism 101: Banishing State Discussion & Kata (Marco) Mob Programming RPG (Chris) Draft.JS + NLP (Andi) Reactive Form RxJS is the experience? (?) (Carsten)
15:00 Package Dependencies (transitive/optional/dev/peer/native) (?) Writing a CLI tool for npm (?) (Michael / Chris) GraphQL - REST in peace? Intro and cool demo (Robert) Introduction to Functional / Functional Kata Ramda.js (Nicole / Marco)
16:00 Clean Code - What's in your toolbox? (Robert) Teach me how you optimize your webpack bundle size (?) Let's Encrypt + TLS! (Carsten ?) Functional programming in everyday life (Alex) Workshop Build NPM Libraries with Rollup (Lukas) Events and Meetups (?) Code Reviews (?)
17:00 REVIEW
18:00 PARTY Keep talking and nobody explodes (Mario) Boardgames


Hall #Lab #Workshop #Meeting #Blue Somewhere else
11:00 traefik proxy, load balancing, docker, letsencrypt (@ajaegle) Ramda.JS + Kata (Marco) Web Assembly Hands On (Michael) Morning Kata (Wolfram)
12:00 Monads (Nicole) RxJS How to use discussion (Christian) Web bluetooth (Lars) Vim Pt. 2 Build Setups (Simon) Multiplatform / Mobile (Cordova / PhoneGap?) (Jonas)
13:00 LUNCH Free tools for Clean Code/ team support + CI fun (Robert) Typing with flow (Wolfram) Spec By Example (Stefan) Pokemon RAID! On Demand (?)
14:00 DDD with Redux (Tobias) Webpack caching, lazy loading (@ajaegle) Let's write some Elm (Chris) ? / effects (and the like) What is it good for? (Markus)
15:00 PureScript (Wolfram) E2E Testing (with Protractor) and other Tools??? (Chrisitan) Dependency Inversion with Redux (David) Let's build a Spotify UI / Trello board on top of GraphQL (Robert) Getting Hands on product + Business (Jeff)
16:00 Open Source + Clean Code (Antonia) FitNesse & JavaScript (Nicole) HTTP/2 for data (Michael) Catch foreign host scripts (?) Test frameworks and assertion libraries (Joern) Programming using logical Paradigm (Alex)
17:00 REVIEW
18:00 PARTY


How to stay on track


Twitter Bot



Ramda.js Kata



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