yoctozepto / chimera-live

Image creation tooling

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains tooling to manage creation of Chimera images.

This consists of the following scripts right now:

  • mklive.sh - the live ISO image creator for BIOS, EFI and POWER/PowerPC systems
  • mkrootfs.sh - root filesystem tarball creator
  • mkpart.sh - device partitioning tool
  • unrootfs.sh - rootfs tarball extractor
  • mkimage.sh - device image creator

And the following auxiliary scripts:

  • mklive-image.sh - wrapper around mklive.sh to create standardized images
  • mkrootfs-platform.sh - wrapper around mkrootfs.sh to create standardized rootfs tarballs

More tools may be added over time.

Bootstrapping the system with apk

In order to bootstrap the system into a directory (e.g. a partitioned and mounted root file system), you can use just plain apk. The tooling here is generally written around similar methods.

You can get prebuilt apk here.

First, bootstrap your root with a package that is safe to install without pseudo-filesystems mounted in the target. That means chimerautils, as every base metapackage installs stuff that needs scripts.

It is important to use --initdb, and it is also very important to have at least apk-tools 3aa99faa83d08e45eff8a5cc95c4df16fb5bd257, as older versions will mess up permissions on the initial files.

# apk add --root /my/root --keys-dir /my/cports/etc/keys --repository /my/cports/packages/main --initdb chimerautils

More advanced base metapackages may require pseudo-filesystems in their hooks. If you want to install them, proceed like this:

# mount -t proc none /my/root/proc
# mount -t sysfs none /my/root/sys
# mount -t devtmpfs none /my/root/dev
# mount --bind /tmp /my/root/tmp

Now is a good time to copy your public key in for apk so you do not have to pass it.

# mkdir -p /my/root/etc/apk/keys
# cp /my/cports/etc/keys/*.pub /my/root/etc/apk/keys

Then you can install e.g. base-full if you wish.

# apk --root /my/root --repository /my/cports/packages/main add base-full

Once you are done, don't forget to clean up.

# umount /my/root/tmp
# umount /my/root/dev
# umount /my/root/sys
# umount /my/root/proc
# rm -rf /my/root/run /my/root/var/tmp /my/root/var/cache
# mkdir -p /my/root/run /my/root/var/tmp /my/root/var/cache
# chmod 777 /my/root/var/tmp

That's basically all. You can install whatever else you want, of course.

Creating live images with mklive-image.sh and mklive.sh

The mklive-image.sh script is a high level wrapper around mklive.sh.

Its basic usage is like this (as root):

# ./mklive-image.sh -b base

It only takes two optional arguments, -b IMAGE and -p EXTRA_PACKAGES. The IMAGE is the supported image type (currently base for base console-only images and gnome for graphical GNOME images). The other argument lets you install packages in addition to the set provided by IMAGE.

You can also pass-through additional arguments to mklive.sh by specifying them after --, e.g. ./mklive-image.sh -b base -- -f myflavor ....

It is also possible to use mklive.sh raw. You can get the full listing of supported arguments like this:

# ./mklive.sh -h

Invoking mklive.sh with no arguments will generate a basic ISO for the current architecture, using remote repositories. The base-full metapackage serves as the base package. Note that this is not equivalent to the base image of mklive-image.sh, as that contains some additional packages.

You can specify arguments to do things such as using your own repos with your own signing key, additional packages and so on.

Creating rootfs tarballs with mkrootfs-platform.sh and mkrootfs.sh

The mkrootfs-platform.sh script is a high level wrapper around mkrootfs.sh.

Its basic usage is like this (as root):

# ./mkrootfs-platform.sh -P rpi

It only takes two optional arguments, -P PLATFORM and -p EXTRA_PACKAGES. The PLATFORM is the supported platform type (represented by full which is the mkrootfs.sh default of using base-full and then device-specific platform images such as rpi and pbp).

The mkrootfs.sh script takes largely identical arguments to mklive.sh (see -h) but instead of ISO images, it creates root file system tarballs. Running it without arguments will create a basic root file system tarball using remote repositories. The base-full metapackage is the default, but you can override it.

The mkrootfs.sh is also capable of creating delta tarballs. The invocation only differs in that you pass a base tarball (previously created with the same tool) via -B some-base.tar.gz. The new tarball will then only contain newly added or changed files, creating a tarball that can be extracted over the base tarball to get the whole thing.

Setting up specific devices

The mkpart.sh and unrootfs.sh scripts allow you to prepare e.g. SD cards of various devices from their rootfs tarballs.

For example, if you have an SD card at /dev/mmcblk0 and want to install Chimera for Pinebook Pro on it, you would do something like this:

# mkdir -p rootmnt
# ./mkpart.sh -j /dev/mmcblk0 pbp rootmnt

This will partition the SD card for the device. Generally for a device to be supported here, it needs to have a disk layout file, in the sfdisk directory. You can tweak various parameters via options (see -h). You can of course also partition and mount the card manually.

Once that is done, you can perform the installation from the tarball:

# ./unrootfs.sh chimera-linux-aarch64-ROOTFS-...-pbp.tar.gz rootmnt /dev/mmcblk0

Multiple tarballs can be specified as a single argument, separated by semicolons. They are extracted in that order. That means if you are using delta tarballs, you should specify the base first and the overlay second, like base-tarball.tar.gz;delta-tarball.tar.gz.

This will both install the system onto the card and install U-Boot onto the card (as it's given as the last argument). If you omit the last argument, no bootloader installation will be done.

After that, you can just unmount the directory and eject the card:

# umount -R rootmnt
# sync

If you want to create an image instead of setting up a physical storage device, you can do so thanks to loop devices. First, create storage for the image, in this example 8G:

# truncate -s 8G chimera.img

Then attach it with losetup and let it show which loop device is used:

# losetup --show -fP chimera.img

That will print for example /dev/loop0. Now all you have to do is pass that path in place of the device path, e.g. /dev/loop0 instead of /dev/mmcblk0.

Once you are done and have unmounted everything, detach it:

# losetup -d /dev/loop0

And that's about it.

Creating device images with mkimage.sh

The mkimage.sh script simplifies creation of device images so that you do not have to manipulate loop devices manually. However, it comes at the cost of being far less flexible.

It accepts a prepared device rootfs tarball as its file name, or multiple tarballs when using deltas. Optional arguments can be used to set the output file name and the image size (by default 2G). It will also automatically compress the image with gzip.

# ./mkimage.sh chimera-linux-aarch64-ROOTFS-20220906-rpi.tar.gz -- -j

The platform name, architecture and everything else is detected from the input filename. Additional arguments passed after -- will be passed as optional arguments to mkpart.sh. In the example above, -j is passed to disable journal for root filesystem.


Image creation tooling



Language:Shell 98.6%Language:Brainfuck 1.4%