yoannfleurydev / archidata

[MPL-2] Framework to simplify the interaction with the Jersey and SQL DB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Archi-data is a framework that simplify:

  • Creating a REST server with:
    • Right control
    • Swagger display interface
    • Normalize error generate by the server
  • Access to the DB:
    • introspect Object and insert in the TD (SQLITE & MY-SQL)
    • Manage migration
  • JPA checker for many generic request
  • simplify the request of the Test-service

Develop in cmd-line:

The first step is configuring your JAVA version (or select the JVM with the OS)

export PATH=$(ls -d --color=never /usr/lib/jvm/java-2*-openjdk)/bin:$PATH

Install the dependency:

mvn install

Run the test

mvn test

Install it for external use

mvn install

Develop With Eclipse:

Import the project:

  • Open a (new) project on eclipse
  • File -> Import
    • Maven -> Existing Maven project
    • Select the pom.xml file and click on import

Run the Test:

  • Open the package test.kar.archidata
  • Click right on it
  • Select Debug As -> JUnit Test

Install in the local maven repository:

  • Click right on the pom.xml file
  • Select Run As -> Maven install

Somes tools:

Auto-update dependency:

Auto-update to the last version dependency:

mvn versions:use-latest-versions

Format the code

Simply run the cmd-line:

mvn formatter:format

Reformat XML file like the pom.xml

XMLLINT_INDENT="	" xmllint  --format "back/pom.xml" -o "back/pom.xml"

Enable the pre-commit checker


Note: You can change the code in .git/hooks/pre-commit by replacing formatter:verify with formatter:format to auto format the code @ every commit

Add Gitea in the dependency for the registry:

Read instruction for tocken in ~/.m2/setting.xml

edit file: ~/.m2/settings.xml

            <value>token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</value>


export PATH=$(ls -d --color=never /usr/lib/jvm/java-2*-openjdk)/bin:$PATH
mvn install
mvn deploy


[MPL-2] Framework to simplify the interaction with the Jersey and SQL DB

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Java 96.9%Language:TypeScript 2.9%Language:Shell 0.2%