ynlamy / packer-rockylinux9

Creating a virtual machine template under Rocky Linux 9 from ISO file with Packer using VMware Workstation

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Creating a virtual machine template under Rocky Linux 9 from ISO file with Packer using VMware Workstation.

This was created by Yoann LAMY under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.


This virtual machine template must be builded using Packer.

  • cd packer-rockylinux9
  • packer init vmware-iso-rockylinux9.pkr.hcl
  • packer build vmware-iso-rockylinux9.pkr.hcl

This template uses the root user with the password MotDePasse.


Creating a virtual machine template under Rocky Linux 9 from ISO file with Packer using VMware Workstation

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:HCL 82.5%Language:Shell 17.5%