ymanzi / push_swap

Sort a random list of integers using the smallest number of moves, 2 stacks and a limited set of operations.

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Subject: Push_Swap

Member: 🌜 Ymanzi 🌛


Sort a random list of integers using the smallest number of moves, 2 stacks and a limited set of operations.


Instruction set

For the following instructions, if the instruction is not possible, the part of it that can't be executed won't.

Code Instruction Action
sa swap a swaps the 2 top elements of stack a
sb swap b swaps the 2 top elements of stack b
ss swap a + swap b both sa and sb
pa push a moves the top element of stack b at the top of stack a
pb push b moves the top element of stack a at the top of stack b
ra rotate a shifts all elements of stack a from bottom to top
rb rotate b shifts all elements of stack b from bottom to top
rr rotate a + rotate b both ra and rb
rra reverse rotate a shifts all elements of stack a from top to bottom
rrb reverse rotate b shifts all elements of stack b from top to bottom
rrr reverse rotate a + reverse rotate b both rra and rrb

The Project

Create two programs: checker and push_swap.

  • checker : takes integer arguments and reads instructions on the standard output. Once read, checker executes them and displays OK if integers are sorted. Otherwise, it will display KO
  • push_swap : calculates and displays on the standard output the smallest program using Push_swap instruction language that sorts integer arguments received.


The simplest approach is to find the biggest number in stack A move it to stack B, and do it again and again until the stack is empty. Push All the stack B back to A and we would have the numbers sorted from biggest to smallest. This way works but it's inneficient.

Let's say i have a random list of 100 numbers from 0-99. Instead of sorting a big chunck of 100 numbers, it's better to sort 4 chuncks of 25 numbers.

  • step 1: divide the big list in 4 chuncks (chunk 1 are numbers from 0-24, chunk 2: 25-49, chunck 3: 51-74, chunck 4: 75-99)
  • step 2: Look for all the numbers from chunck 1 and move them to Stack B. Repeat until all the chuncks are in stack B.
  • step 3: Push the maximum of the stack B to A, repeat until all the numbers are back to A.
  • step 4: It's over. Your stack should be sorted


  • Instead of moving one chunck a time, move the smallest chunck and the biggest one at once


Run make.

The checker program is used as follows:

  ./checker 5 2 3 1 4
  ./checker "-50 -400 -20 -1 -100"
  ./checker "-22" "35" "40" "-15" "75"

The push_swap program is used in the same way

  ./push_swap 5 2 3 1 4

You can run the two together using:

  ARG=`ruby -e "puts (0..100).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')"`; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker -v $ARG

Run the visualizer

  python3 pyviz.py `ruby -e "puts (1..99).to_a.shuffle.join(' ')"`


Sort a random list of integers using the smallest number of moves, 2 stacks and a limited set of operations.


Language:C 87.8%Language:Python 8.3%Language:Makefile 3.8%